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Zogre Flesh Eaters

Zogre Flesh Eaters

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Quick Overview
  • Time: 3 hours


    Quests: Jungle Potion, Big Chompy Bird Hunting

    Skills: Level 8 Herblore, Level 30 Ranged, Level 4 Smithing, It's recommended to have a Level 20+ Strength, Level 43 Prayer and Level 33 Fletching.


    3 Ourg bones & 2 Zogre bones

    2,000 Fletching experience

    2,000 Ranged experience

    2,000 Herblore experience

    Ability to make Relicym's balm

    Ability to fletch Comp ogre bows and Brutal arrows

    Ability to wear Inoculation bracelets

    Give a 2 or 3 or 4 dose Relicym's balm to Uglug to gain access to ~ Uglug's stuffsies ~

    Quest points gained upon completion: 1


Zogre Flesh Eaters is a Feldip Hills area quest in which you must venture into the crypts of Gu'Tanoth, an ogre resting ground, now crawling with undead zombie and skeleton ogres.

Run for your lives...the zombie ogres are here for your flesh! An ogre ceremonial dance area, used to communicate with ancient ogrish ancestors, has been overrun with diseased undead ogres. How could something like this have happened? And what sort of rewards could an enterprising adventurer gain from exploring the tombs of such a place?


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