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Void knight mace

Void knight mace

Availability: In stock



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Quick Overview
  • Requirements: Combat level 70+ is required.

    Gears/Items: Combat gears for melee and Bow and Arrows/Combat Runes for Ranger/Mage.


The void knight mace can be bought from a Void Knight for 250 commendation points, although a player must have 42 Attack, Strength, Defence, Hitpoints, Ranged, and Magic, along with 22 Prayer. The mace can also be used to autocast Claws of Guthix, Crumble Undead, and the Wave and Surge spells. To cast Claws of Guthix, the player still must have cast the spell 100 times in the Wilderness Mage Arena. Note that the Void knight mace does not count towards the four pieces needed for the void set effect.

Its stats are relatively close to the rune mace's stats, with the main difference being a 25% slower attack speed relative to the rune mace. It also has +2 bonus in Stab, Slash, and Crush attack, as well as Stab, Slash, Crush, Magic, and Ranged defence, as well as a relative +2 Strength and Prayer bonus compared to the rune mace. Due to its role as one of the weapons to cast Claws of Guthix, it also has a +8 Magic attack bonus. These stats make it one of the only melee weapons in game to have a positive ranged defence bonus, other than the red topaz machete and lunar staff, with +1, and the dragon spear and Zamorakian spear, with +5 and +13, respectively. Unlike other maces, however, it only has crushing attack styles. Alongside croziers and the 3rd age druidic staff, it has the highest Prayer bonus of all one-handed weapons.

Claws of Guthix can still be cast and autocast while wearing an imbued saradomin cape or imbued zamorak cape, however, Charge will not boost the spell's max damage to 30 because an imbued guthix cape must be equipped.


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