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Troll Stronghold

Troll Stronghold

Availability: In stock



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Quick Overview
  • Time:1.5 hours


    Quests: Death Plateau

    Skills: Level 15 Agility, The ability to defeat a level 113 Troll General (can be safespotted).


    Law talisman (if you lose it, you can get another from Dunstan for 1000 coins)

    Ability to make law runes

    Access to Trollheim and the Troll Stronghold (location)

    Ability to access the God Wars Dungeon

    Quest points gained upon completion: 1


Troll Stronghold is a quest about gaining access to the Troll Stronghold beneath Mount Trollheim in order to rescue Godric, a soldier from Burthorpe. It is the second quest in the Troll Series.

The Imperial Guard raid was a failure, and Dunstan's son has been captured by the trolls! Journey through Trollheim to the Troll Stronghold, and rescue him!


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