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The Slug Menace

The Slug Menace

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Quick Overview
  • Time: 2 hours   


    Quests: Wanted!, Sea Slug

    Skills: Level 30 Crafting, Level 30 Runecrafting, Level 30 Slayer, Level 30 Thieving


    3,500 Crafting experience

    3,500 Runecraft experience

    3,500 Thieving experience

    Promotion to Proselyte among the Temple Knights. This means you can buy and wear Proselyte armour with a greater Prayer bonus than Initiate. You can buy each piece individually, or buy the armour pack which, when opened, gives you the plate, helm, and legs/tassets all at once. The pack costs 25,000 coins.

    Buying the upgraded armour in separate pieces cost more: the helm costs 8,000 coins, the platelegs and plateskirt cost 10,000 coins, and the platebody costs 12,000 coins for a total of 30,000 coins. Required for the Falador Hard Diary.

    Quest points gained upon completion: 1


The Slug Menace is the second quest in the Sea Slug quest series, and was the update to greatly expand upon the small fishing village of Witchaven.

The small village of Witchaven was all but deserted when the Fishing Platform was built a short ways off the coast. Now, some of the inhabitants of the village have been acting somewhat strangely....


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