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Tears of Guthix

Tears of Guthix

Availability: In stock



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Quick Overview
  • Time: 1.5hours


    Quest: 43 Quest Points

    Skills: Level 49 Firemaking, Level 20 Crafting, Level 20 Mining.


    1,000 Crafting experience

    Ability to play the Tears of Guthix (minigame) once a week

    Quest points gained upon completion: 1


Tears of Guthix is a quest where you must help Juna, a follower of Guthix, restore a cavern in the Lumbridge Swamp Caves. Within the dungeon the walls flow with tears, a relic of Guthix's horror at the destruction during the God Wars.

Deep in the caves in the Lumbridge Swamp is an enchanted place where the tears shed by Guthix when it saw the destruction Saradomin and Zamorak had caused with their wars flow from the very walls. These tears are said to have magical properties to help players gain deeper understanding of the world. However, the cave is guarded by a loyal serpent named Juna who blocks passage from everyone. However, she has grown bored from three thousand years of sitting in the dark cave and wishes to hear stories of life above. Maybe you could come to some sort of arrangement...?


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