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Shilo Village

Shilo Village

Availability: In stock



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Quick Overview
  • Time: 3 hours   


    Quests: Jungle Potion

    Skills: Level 32 agility and level 20 crafting.


    3,875 Crafting experience

    Access to Shilo Village.

    Ability to quick travel to Shilo Village using the cart near the Brimhaven docks.

    After completing the quest, you can sell every item you obtained during the quest to Yanni Salika in Shilo Village for 2,000 - 100 each for the stone-plaque, tattered scroll, crumpled scroll, Bervirius notes and the bone key, 500 for the locating crystal, and 1000 for the beads of the dead.

    Ability to mine the gem rocks in Shilo Village mine.

    Quest points gained upon completion: 2


Shilo Village is a quest in which the player lays to rest a vengeful spirit that is attacking Shilo Village, a town located in southern Karamja. The quest unlocks access to the village and its cart system.

New areas in the southern part of Karamja Island have been discovered with a mysterious village. Who knows what hidden treasures exist, and what dangers lurk to guard them?


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