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Shadow of the Storm

Shadow of the Storm

Availability: In stock



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Quick Overview
  • Time: 2 hours   


    Quests: Demon Slayer, The Golem

    Skills: Level 30 Crafting, The ability to defeat a level 100 demon.


    10,000 experience in any combat skill other than Prayer.

    Silverlight turns into the Darklight sword - it has a special attack and is even more powerful against demons. It costs slightly more to replace.

    Six cut gems: two sapphires, two rubies and two emeralds, if you use a hammer and chisel on the demon's throne and had not yet removed them during The Golem.

    Quest points gained upon completion: 1


Shadow of the Storm is a quest that continues the plot of Demon Slayer. It involves the villain Denath once more, as well as his group of followers attempting to summon a dangerous demon named Agrith-Naar.

A sinister group of dark wizards is attempting to summon Agrith-Naar, a demon of exceptional mystical power. Rather than try to prevent them, a Saradomist priest asks the player to help summon the demon and then kill it once and for all. But all is not as it seems…


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