- Home / Quest Help / Priest in Peril
Time: 1.5 hours
Requirements: Must be able to kill a level 30 enemy.
1406 Prayer exp
Wolfbane dagger, prevents the citizens of Canifis from transforming into werewolves when attacked.
Route to Canifis and Morytania.
Completing this quest awards the player with 5 Kudos which can be claimed by talking to Historian Minas in the Varrock Museum.
Quest points gained upon completion: 1
Priest in Peril is the first quest to take place in Morytania, and is required to enter the region. At the command of King Roald, you must head to the temple of Paterdomus to aid the monk Drezel with recovering the temple.
Recently contact has been lost with the temple to Saradomin on Misthalins' Eastern border. King Roald would be very interested to know what has caused this lack of communication, and seeks an adventurer willing to report back to him on the situation.