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Varlamore - New Unique Rewards from the Upcoming Demi-Bosses


You will find an ancient temple beneath the dwarven town of Cam Torum in Varlamore. There are three demi-bosses in the temple. After defeating them, you will get various rewards - including new unique armour sets and the Bladed Moon.

Note: You must have completed the OSRS quest Perilous Moons to gain access to the dungeon to face the bosses.

New Demi-Bosses

Like the Barrow brothers, the more bosses you defeat, the better rewards you will get.

You cannot kill the bosses. All you have to do is to distract them to ensure they remain contained within the temple.

You can also defeat the bosses with your friends together. Everyone will have their own individual health bar, so other players' participation will not affect your reward potential.

All bosses' basic attacks will hit three times, and each hit will be harder than the last. If any of their attacks fail, the others will fail, too. So, defence is the most important. Umm, the barrow armour may become popular then.

In summary, defense is the best offense.

New Unique Rewards

Like Barrows, you may claim your rewards at any time once you have defeated at least one boss. And the rewards are various. Here are the brief introductions of the new unique armour sets and Bladed Moon.

There are three new unique armour sets for Melee, Mage, and Ranged. Each armour set will have a set effect, and the weapon will have a special attack.

Bloodrager Set for Melee

There are four parts: Helm, Chestplate, Tassets, and Dual Macuahuitl. You must have 50 Defence and 75 Strength to wear the armour, and 70 Attack and 75 Strength to equip the weapon.

Dual Macuahuitl - They have a speedy attack rate of 4 ticks, and they hit twice. They also have a special attack (25% special energy) - sacrifice 10% of your current Hitpoints to raise your maximum and minimum hit by 25% for that attack. Please note that you must wear the full Bloodrager Set.

Set Effect - You will gain a 33% chance for the Dual Macuahuitl's second attack to hit one tick sooner. Using the Special Attack with the full set equipped makes that a guarantee, enabling you to slice and dice with unparalleled speed.

Frostmoon Set for Mage

There are four parts: Hood, Chestplate, Robe legs, and Spell Spear. You must have 50 Defence and 75 Magic to wear the armour, and 70 Attack and 75 Magic to equip the weapon.

Spell Spear - It has a speedy attack rate of 5 ticks. You can auto-cast any spell with it. It provides a 5% increase to Magic strength, and you can freeze your enemies in their tracks and deal some serious damage. With the Spell Spear's Special Attack (50% special energy), it increases your max hit by 1% for every tick remaining on a target inflicted with a binding effect. Once you have dealt your deadly blow, the binding effect will be removed. In addition, the spear is also used as a Melee weapon. Please note that you must wear the full Frostmoon Set.

Set Effect - It gives you a 10% chance for your next melee attack to go unaffected by any action delay.

Eclipse Set for Ranged

There are four parts: Helm, Chestplate, Tassets, and Eclipse Atlatl. You must have 50 Defence and 75 Ranged to wear the armour, and 75 Ranged to equip the weapon.

Eclipse Atlatl - The new Ranged weapon has a speedy attack of 4 ticks (3 on Rapid). It will roll your damage off your Melee Strength. The special attack will cost 50% of the special energy and consume any remaining Burn damage on the target to increase your max hit by that number, and your minimum hit by half of that number. Please note that you must wear the full Eclipse Set.

Set Effect - It gives you a 20% chance to inflict Burn, a new effect that causes your target to suffer 1 point of damage every 4 ticks for 40 ticks – a total of 10 base damage. And the effect can be stacked up to five times to rack up even more damage over time.

Bladed Moon - A New Off-Hand Weapon

Bladed Moon is a new off-had weapon that requires a 65 Defence to equip. It provides some increase to Stab and a higher Slash bonus than any Defender, and one less Melee strength bonus than the Dragon Defender.

You will only gain bonuses from weapons that list Slash as their primary type, such as the Abyssal and Tentacle whips, all tiers of metal Longswords and Scimitars, Axes, Sickles, and the Blade of Saeldor.

It is untradeable. You can only create it with Blood, Eclipse, and Blue Moon Spikes, obtainable from each of the three bosses.

The first part of Varlamore will be released in early 2024. It seems like we'll have to wait for a while.

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