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Upcoming OSRS Quests: Land of the Goblins, Beneath Cursed Sands, Temple of the Eye


We learned that some more new OSRS Quests would be released in the future. Today let's take a short review of these upcoming quests.

Land of the Goblins

Land of the Goblins

Land of the Goblins is an Experienced-level quest and the penultimate quest in the Dorgeshuun storyline, which will be released on 9 February 2022. Almost all of the storyline continuation quests are newly developed in OSRS. But this one is ported from the original game in largely unaltered form.


Quests: Fishing Contest, Another Slice of H.A.M

Skills: Level 38 Agility, Level 40 Fishing, Level 45 Thieving, Level 48 Herblore

Rewards: 2 Quest Points and 8,000 XP in Agility, Fishing, Thieving & Herblore

Along with Land of the Goblins’ release, Hopespear's Will, a miniquest will be added to the game. You must complete Land of the Goblins, Desert Treasure & Fairytale II - Cure a Queen, and a Level of 50 Prayer to start it. And you will get 38,750 Prayer XP as a reward by completing it.

Beneath Cursed Sands

Beneath Cursed Sands

Beneath Cursed Sands is a master-level quest that is introduced as a continuation of the Desert storyline. And it will be released in April 2022.


Quests: Contact!

Skills: Level 62 Agility, Level 55 Crafting, 

Rewards: 2 Quest Points and 20,000 Agility experience, Access to the Tombs of Amascut, The ability to upgrade the Keris to the Keris partisan

The Tombs of Amascut is a new raid that will be released after the quest. And you must complete the quest to participate in the new raid.

Temple of the Eye

Temple of the Eye

To be exact, the Temple of the Eye is the guidance of Guardians of the Rift. You can learn about the minigame by completing this quest.


Quests: Enter the Abyss miniquest

Skills: Level 10 Runecrafting

Rewards: 1 Quest Point and Access to the Temple of the Eye to play the minigame, 5000 Runecraft XP, A medium Pouch if you haven’t got one

Both the minigame and the quest release date have not been fixed yet. By the way, Guardians of the Rift is an upcoming minigame that you can play for training your Runecraft skill.

Hope you like these OSRS game future updates!

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