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Tithe Farm, Gorilla & Hunllef's Attack Audio Cues, and Scaly Blue Dragonhide


poll 79 changes

Making the gaming experience better is something Jagex has been working hard to do. Recently, some adjustments and changes have been made to Tithe Farm, Gorilla, and Hunllef to make it easier for players. Let's take a look together today.

Tithe Farm

Tithe Farm is one of the OSRS minigames based on Farming. You can gain Farming experience and reward points from planting and harvesting Golovanova, Bologano, and Logavano. Here are the changes:

To avoid being maliciously disturbed by other players, Tithe Farm becomes instanced and solo-only now.

You can now earn points easier than before: 1 point for every 3 plants you deposit; 2 additional points for every 100

plants you deposit.

You can now bring in up to 10,000 seeds to train Farming for longer, which will award you more points!

Note: The maximum number of points you can hold is 1,000 at one time. If you don't want to lose points, your deposits should be less than 2832.

You can now buy 20 Bologa's Blessings instead of 10 for 1 point.

The Herb Boxes have been added to Farmer Gricoller's Rewards Shop. Will you spend 30 points for 1 Herb box? Ironmen can also purchase these boxes with the points they earned.

Gorilla Attack Audios Cues

Great, now you can predict Tortured and Demonic Gorillas' attack styles through audio. It makes players avoid their damage and save a lot of food. Nice change!

What are you waiting for? Equip your weapon and go to kill them for Zenyte shards now.

Hunllef Attack Audios Cues

Audio cues for attack styles are also applied to Hunllef within The Gauntlet. You can now predict its attack style through varying pitches, which makes the boss battle a bit easier.

Scaly Blue Dragonhide

Jagex has added a new item to the game: Scaly Blue Dragonhide.

You can get it from killing Baby blue dragons (1/100), Blue dragons (1/50), Brutal blue dragons (1/33), and Vorkath (1/10).

For each Scaly Blue Dragonhide, you can scrape 50 scales off with a knife within a bank or around the Grand Exchange.

Happy Scaping!

The RSBee Team


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