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The PVP Arena - Official Supplementary Information And Changes


A few days ago, the official blog of OSRS updated an article about changing the dueling arena into the PVP arena. After that, many players gave feedback and suggestions. Generally speaking, it is a good idea to change it. Many players gamble here, and there are no other rewards in the game. So after many years of existence in this area, it will eventually disappear forever.

Based on the player's suggestions and feedback, the Old School RS Team made some Supplementary information and changes on the PVP Arena.

1. About the Poll for the PVP Arena

You are not allowed to poll for the PVP Arena. However, you can do a poll for the rewards later.

2. About the rewards test and poll

The Old School RS Team has confirmed that there would be a PVP Arena reward items test before players could poll for them. And it will go live on March 16th, 2022, with the poll going live in-game the following week after the test.

3. About the Ranking system

You will gain/lose the rank by winning/losing a match. You will get more reward points by beating a higher-ranked player. If you lose more time, you will lose your rank to meet a similar skill level ranked player's matches.

4. About the 'Equipment' tab

When you attempt to join a match, you can select some equipment and items for your worn slots and inventory from around 400 items shown in the game for the fighting. But do remember that you can only choose the equipment matching your stats.

5. About PVP Builds

There is no more Combat style specialisation, and the following standard PvP builds will be added to the game.

Max/Med Zerker Pure
Attack 75 60 60
Strength 99 99 99
Defence 70 45 1
Hitpoints 99 99 99
Ranged 99 99 99
Magic 99 99 99
Prayer 77 55 77

6. About Reward points Payout

Some players suggest paying the PVP Arena reward points weekly, but the Old School Team insisted on paying after each match. And there will be a bonus every weekend.

7. About the reward items

All items you get from the PVP Arena reward store are untradeable, including the Ornament Kits. The armour pieces become broken after being purchased. You should pay Perdu to repair them for later use in PVP. And some new Ornament Kits are added to the PVP reward store: the Kits for Elder Chaos Robes, Dagon'hai Robes, and Elder Maul.

Humble Chivalry (Level 60 Prayer is required) and Piety (Level 70 Prayer is required) unlock scrolls are available to buy from the PVP Arena store.

8. About the new Blighted Sacks

The Old School RS Team confirmed that you could only use the new Blighted Wave and Surge Sacks within the wilderness, and they are effective against both players and NPCs.

9. About Wristbands of the Arena

There are a few changes on the armour: Level 20 Defence is required to equip it (Level 30 Defence before); The stats will be the same as Barrows Gloves; There is an upgraded version of it - Wristbands of the Arena(i), which provides accuracy stats slightly.

10. About The Superior Calamity Chest and Breeches

The requirement of Superior Calamity armour is changed: Level 55 Defence for the Superior, and Level 75 Defence for the Elite.

11. About the Headgear sets

The benefits of the helms are reduced: Increased damage and accuracy: 10% > 7.5% > 5% damage. And the base stats of Koriff's headgear pieces are also reduced.

12. About the Amulet of Souls and Thaw Potions

You can no longer buy these two items from the PVP Arena store.

Take the last chance to enjoy the current Duel Arena activity. If you need any help in the game, please feel free to purchase the services from us.

The RSBee Team


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