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OSRS While Guthix Sleeps Quest Guide


While Guthix Sleeps is a grandmaster OSRS quest. It was released on July 10, 2024. We have a guide to help you complete the quest more easily.


Quests: Defender of Varrock, The Path of Glouphrie, Fight Arena, Dream Mentor, The Hand in the Sand, Wanted!, Temple of the Eye, Tears of Guthix , Nature Spirit, A Tail of Two Cats

Skills: Level 72 Thieving, Level 67 Magic, Level 66 Agility, Level 65 Farming, Level 65 Herblore, Level 62 Hunter

Others: Access to the Warriors' Guild (the sum of the Attack and Strength must be at or above 130; OR 99 Attack , OR 99 Strength), 180 Quest points, 95+ Combat level is Recommended.



Ring of charos(a) or 500 coins, and 19220 more coins for purchasing a Snapdragon seed and a Pink dye

One of each of the following runes: Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Mind, Law, Death

Seed dibber

Lantern lens

Unpowered orb

Bronze med helm

Iron chainbody

Sapphire lantern

Runes to cast the NPC Contact spell four times (Air rune x8, Astral rune x4, Cosmic rune x4)

Runes for any charge orb spell (30 runes of a chosen element and Cosmic runes x3)

Equipment for two different attack styles (depends on your combat skills)

High-level Food like Shark or better

Several Stamina potions and Prayer/Super restore potions

Several house teleport tablets


We divide the quest walkthrough into several parts based on the items you can take in your inventory and the quest plot. Also, we suggest you use the player-owned house to use the teleport options and restoration. You can select W330, W426, W465, or W512 to use other players' houses if you are low in Construction.

Part 1

Bring the following items: Several Falador/Taverley teleport tablets or House teleport tablets, Equipment & a weapon, 500 coins or Ring of Charos(a), 19220 more coins, Logs, Knife, Air rune x9, Mind rune x1, Earth rune x1, Fire rune x1, Water rune x1, Cosmic rune x4, Astral rune x4, Stamina potions x1, Prayer potion x1 if you are low in Prayer, Lantern lens, Several pieces of food like Monk or better, Seed dibber, Dramen staff.

1. Teleport to Falador/Taverley. Head to the building with the Crystal chest in it. (Southeast of the Taverley house portal)

2. Talk to Ivy Sophista. (Chat 1)

3. Climb up the ladder to the east in the building and speak with Thaerisk.

4. Kill the two Assassins. Activate the Protect from Missiles prayer. When you see a glowing arrow while one of the Assassins says NOW!, move away from the current tile, then switch to the Protect from Melee prayer.

5. Finish the chat with Ivy Sophista. Teleport to a house for restoration and the following step.

6. Teleport to Yanille (Nightmare Zone minigame teleport) and run northwest towards the second building north of the Fight Arena Bar.

7. Talk to the Khazard Launderer to receive a Dirty shirt. (Chat 1 or use the Charm option when wearing the Ring of charos(a))

8. Teleport to a house and teleport to Feldip Hills (Fairy ring code a k s ). And run southwest to the Hunting expert (the western Hunter icon on the world map).

9. Talk to the Hunting expert to receive a Mort myre fungus. (Chat 2/3 if you are 99 in Hunter)

10. Run west and set up a pit trap, then use the Mort myre fungus on the trap.

11. When the Broav is trapped, dismantle the trap to receive an Unconscious broav.

12. Talk to the Hunting expert again. (Chat 2)

13. Teleport to a house and travel to the Battlefield of Khazard using the spirit tree.

14. Run west to a broken table between the two Standards found in the center of the battlefield.

15. Drop the Broav and use the Dirty shirt on the Broav. It will walk to the south of the broken table and help you. Right-click and search on the broken table when it squeals.

16. Climb down the trap door. Open the door to the west. Activate Protect from Melee prayer and run around to the northwest end where you will find a set of Stairs. Climb down.

17. Inspect the old battered door to the south. You will find a rune symbol (Air, Water, Earth, Fire, or Mind) after the word "PROHIBITED" in the center.

18. Use the correct rune on the door, then open it. You will take 20+ damage if you use the wrong ones.

19. Search the bookcases and pay attention to the chatbox until you see 'You pull it and hear a click as you do so.' And you will find that a wire lights up. Follow the wire and search the next bookcase. Continue searching other bookcases until you see 'You pull it and hear a click followed by the sound of the electric gate deactivating.'

20. Open the gate. Right-click on the Spiral staircase and search to disable the trap. Climb it.

21. Search the desk (north of the staircase, 1/4 circular one with several books on it) to get Movario's notes (volume 1). Read through the notes.

Note: The treasure pile is fake. DON'T try to take/search it. Otherwise, you will take 20+ damage.

22. Pick up the Waste-paper basket west of the desk, and search it for a Ruby key.

23. Use the key on the northernmost bookcase against the west wall.

24. Climb up the newly appeared stairs in the northwest corner.

25. Search the bed (green and white). Then use the Ruby key on it. Search the bed chest to disable the trap, and open it. Then search the opened bed chest to get Movario's notes (volume 2). Read through the notes.

26. Climb down the Stairs and inspect the painting on the south wall. Select the 'Pull the lever.' option. Then, cross over the broken wall.

27. Search the drawers (white) to obtain the Notes on pressure, and read through it.

28. Check the pressure gauge to the east of the drawers to see how many tickits it is. The number is the weight you entered the room with the wires at the beginning.

29. Check your current weight by opening the  Equipment Stats interface. Now, make your weight match the pressure gauge's value.

30. For example, if your weight is 36 kg, and it is 33 tickits on the pressure gauge. You have to pick up a 2 kg weight and a 1 kg weight from the Pile of weights nearby and place them on the stone statue. Or drop some items like food to match the number. If your weight is less than the number displayed, keep the weights in your inventory to match the number.

31. Cross over the broken wall and open the door to the east. Teleport to a house for restoration once you are out of the room.

32. Head back to Thaerisk in Taverley, and talk to him.

33. Teleport to a house. Switch to the Lunar spell book for later use if you aren't willing to kill the mercenaries in the following step. And use the Fairy ring to teleport to McGrubor's Wood. (Code: a l s)

34. Squeeze through the loose railing northeast of the building. Kill all the mercenaries after the cutscene. (use protection prayer if needed)

35. Talk to Idria. Teleport to a house and switch to the Lunar spell book if you use magic to kill the mercenaries.

36. Teleport to Falador and head to White Knights' Castle. (south of the Falador teleport location)

37. Talk to Akrisae on the ground floor to the east to receive a Teleorb. Then select Yes to teleport to Draynor village. (Chat 1)

38. Go to the willow trees to the south. You will find a Shady stranger there, and use the Teleorb on him.

39. Head back to White Knights' Castle and talk to Akrisae.

40. After the cutscene, continue the chat with Thaerisk and purchase a Snapdragon seed from him for 19,200 coins. Then, he will teleport you to Port Sarim. (Chat 1-1-1)

41. Head to Betty's Magic Emporium to the west.

42. Talk to Betty to buy a Pink dye for 20 coins. (Chat 3-1)

43. Use the Pink dye on the Lantern lens to receive a Rose tinted lens.

44. Talk to Betty again. (Chat 2)

45. Stand next to the door at the shop entrance and use the Rose tinted lens on the Counter to enrich the snapdragon seed.

46. Take the Enriched snapdragon seed from the Counter.

47. Head back to White Knights' Castle and talk to Thaerisk near Akrisae.

48. Run west and you will find a Staircase in a room. Open the door and climb up the staircase. Continue climbing the stairs to the top.

49. Use the Enriched snapdragon seed on the special patch.

50. Go back to the ground floor and talk to Idria near Akrisae.

51. Use the NPC Contact spell to contact TuraelTurael, Mazchna, Cyrisus, and Duradel. Select the options to ask about Lucien.

52. Go back to the top of the west building and pick the Enriched snapdragon.

53. Go back to Thaerisk and talk to him to receive the Truth serum.

54. Use the Enriched snapdragon on the Truth serum to make the Super truth serum.

55. Search the drawers in the southeast corner to get a Charcoal and a Papyrus.

56. Enter the Jail cell and use the Super truth serum on the Shady stranger. Finish the chat to receive a Suspect sketch.

57. Exit the Jail cell and talk to Idria. She will take the Suspect sketch.

58. Teleport to Warriors' Guild (teleport to a house and use the Jewellery box; Switch to the standard spell book once you are in a house).

59. Talk to Ghommal at the entrance.

60. Talk to Harrallak Menarous just west of the door in the guild.

61. Climb up the Staircase (in the southwest corner near the bank) to the first floor. Run northeast and open the heavy door. Talk to Sloane.

Part 2

Bring the following items:  Bronze med helm and Iron chainbody, unpowered orb x1, Runes for any charge orb spell (use a Rune pouch to save more inventory space), Super restore potion x1, Stamina potion x1, Magic equipment & weapon (except the powered staves like the Trident of the seas and Warped sceptre), a Melee weapon or Ranged weapon, Teleport to house tablets.

Whenever you run out of food, restock at a bank. After you have unlocked the west Solid door shortcut, use the Solid door at the entrance you first entered, just south of the broken bridge, to head back to the Dark Squall's inner base.

1. Head back to White Knights' Castle in Falador and talk to Akrisae. After the cutscene, finish the chat.

2. Teleport to a house, then teleport to the Mind altar using the Portal Nexus.

3. Go east to the Black Knights' Fortress. Wear the Bronze med helm and Iron chainbody and open the Sturdy door to the south. Push the wall to the north. Climb down the ladder to the east. Inspect the carved tile with an orb symbol on it to the east. Cast the charged orb spell on the carved tile, and climb down the trapdoor.

4. Run north to the broken bridge (activate Protect from Missiles) and jump across it. Switch your protection prayers if needed (Melee-Magic). Climb up the wall at the end.

5. Run northwest to the end. Open the west Solid door to unlock a shortcut.

6. Open the north Solid door to enter the Dark Squall's inner base. Activate the Protect from Melee once you are in. Kill Elite Black Knights (the level 138 ones) to get the Elite black platebody, Elite black platelegs, and Elite black full helm. Wear them. Exit and re-enter the room to prevent aggressiveness.

7. Open and search the Wardrobe to the south to receive the Dark Squall's robes.

8. Wear the robes. If the warriors and knights become aggressive, exit and re-enter the room again.

9. Search the desks for a Strange teleorb (the southmost desk), a Lobster, and a Restore potion (the northmost desk).

10. Search the Key rack (north of the northmost desk) in the north wall for a Cell key.

11. Exit the room and run east to a gate. Walk through it and use the Cell key on the north gate (Silif's cell).

12. Use the Lobster and Restore potion on Silif. Finish the chat and select 'Let's go.'. (Chat 1)

13. Head back to Dark Squall's inner base using the Solid door. Go east along the south wall. Silif will stop, and finish the chat with him. He will give you a teleorb.

14. Now prepare for a battle with Surok. Though you can avoid damage from his 'special attacks', we suggest ignoring them and killing Surok directly. You can only use magic to kill him.

Restock at a bank and bring the following items: Magic equipment and a magic staff (the powered staves like the Trident of the seas and Warped sceptre will not work), Dark Squall's robes, Prayer potions (1-3 based on your prayer level), Runes for casting the combat spell (use a Rune pouch for saving more inventory space), Teleorb (the bigger one), Teleport to house tablets. Fill the remaining space with food like sharks or better.

15. Head back to the Dark Squall's inner base using the shortcut (With the Dark Squall's robes equipped). Climb up the ladder in the northeast corner. Activate the Protect from Magic prayer and kill Surok.

16. Plant the teleorb on Surok, and finish the chat.

17. Teleport to a house for restoration and teleport to Falador. Withdraw the Strange teleorb, a law rune, and a death rune at Falador bank. Head back to White Knights' Castle and talk to Akrisae.

18. Wear the Dark Squall's robes and enter the Jail cell. You will be teleported to the room where you killed Surok.

19. Stand within the magic circle in the center of the room and activate the strange teleorb.

20. Follow the northeast path, and climb up the ice wall (directly west of the chaos temple)on the east wall.

21. Jump the Ledge and watch the cutscene.

22. Head to a bank for the next steps.

Part 3

Bring the following items: Dark Squall's robes (equipped), a lit Sapphire lantern, Stamina potion x1, Prayer potion x1, Teleport to house tablets, and filled Druid pouches (10+).

1. Head back to White Knights' Castle in Falador and talk to Idria.

2. Teleport to a house, then use the Jewellery box to teleport to the Tears of Guthix.

3. Go north to the end and climb the rocks.

4. Talk to Movario (you must wear the Dark Squall's robes).

5. Attract a light creature with the lit sapphire lantern (use the lantern on a light creature or click on a light creature).

Note: If you want to transport into the chasm again, you have to select the 'Into the chasm' option.

6. Search the two skeletal remains for a Spade, a Hammer, and a Chisel.

7. Use the spade on the pile of rocks next to the north skeleton remains (select Yes), then use the chisel on it and select Yes to get a Fire orb.

8. Go west and do the same to get an Earth orb.

9. Go south, and use a chisel on the Intact brazier to get an Air orb (Select Yes).

10. Go east, and use a chisel on the Intact brazier to get a Water orb (Select Yes).

11. Go south to the end. You will find three skull cavities.

12. Search each recessed block and use the corresponding orbs on them.

13. Climb the walls next to the center skull to the top. Use the Water orb on the recessed block.

14. Climb down the walls and unequip your weapon and shield (if you have some items equipped).

15. Enter each of the skull nose cavities and crawl to the end. Search the Mechanisms, and use the correct elemental blocks on them.

16. Climb the walls next to the center skull to the top. Use the Fire block on the recessed block.

17. Inspect the stone cube to the north and climb through the cave opening to the south.

18. Follow the path south to the central chamber. Search the skeleton for a Silver sickle (b) and six Druid pouches.

19. Follow each of the paths to the end. Inspect the statues and use the corresponding ingredients (use the Druid pouch on the Druid spirits to receive herblore ingredients) on them for 8 dolmens. Note: These are one-off rewards, so make sure to have plenty of inventory space to pick them all up. Or you can run to different paths to check the statues to match the ingredients in your inventory.

Statue Displays Herblore Ingredients
Agility Toadflax + Toad's legs
Attacking Guam leaf + Eye of newt or Irit leaf + Eye of newt
Balance Harralander + Red spiders' eggs + Garlic + Silver dust
Combat Harralander + Goat horn dust
Defence Ranarr weed + White berries or Cadantine + White berries
Energy Avantoe + Mort myre fungus or Harralander + Chocolate dust
Fishing Avantoe + Snape grass
Hunting Avantoe + Kebbit teeth dust
Magic Lantadyme + Potato cactus
Prayer Ranarr weed + Snape grass
Ranging Dwarf weed + Wine of zamorak
Restoration Snapdragon + Red spiders' eggs or Harralander + Red spiders' eggs
Strength Tarromin + Limpwurt root or Kwuarm + Limpwurt root

20. Add dolmens to the stone table once you get them to save your inventory space. Once all eight dolmens are added to the stone table, you can move deeper to the south.

21. Now prepare for the final battles. Restock at a bank. Bring the following items: Equipment and weapons for two different combat styles (such as Ranged equipment and a Ranged weapon & a Melee weapon), 1-3 Super restore potions (based on your Prayer level), a lit Sapphire lantern, Stamina potion x1, Teleport to house tablets, Combat/Ranging/Magic potions if needed.

22. Head back to the Ancient Guthixian Temple, and go south until you reach the mysterious stone. Kill Balance Elemental after the cutscene. The damage will drain your combat stats and prayer points. That's why bring super restore potions. The lower the elemental's hp the faster it attacks. Keep certain tiles away from it while it attacks with Magic and Ranged. Watch the following video for the fight.

23. Once you defeat it, search the stone to watch a short cutscene. Finish the chat and kill the two Tormented demons. It's easy to kill them because your combat stats are temporarily increased to 255.

24. After killing the demons, talk to Idria and select Yes to teleport to White Knights' Castle.

25. Talk to Idria again in White Knights' Castle to complete the quest.


5 Quest points

80,000 Thieving experience

75,000 Farming experience

75,000 Herblore experience

50,000 Hunter experience

Access to the Ancient Guthixian Temple and tormented demons

Ability to craft the emberlight, scorching bow, and purging staff

A notebook that gives  Slayer experience equal to 15x the player's level after speaking to Kuradal, Duradel's daughter, who replaces him at the end of the quest

Good luck! If you encounter any problems during the quest, please feel free to contact us. After the quest, you can kill tormented demons for bone claws - a new OSRS gold making method for mid level players.

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