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OSRS Upcoming Quests & Quest Reward XP Changes


osrs new quest

We like quests! The OSRS quests are an indispensable part of OSRS games. We think many players are eager to have their quest capes. Here is good news for those who like quests. Jagex is willing to add two new quests to the game in the future.

The Garden of Death

The Garden of Death is an intermediate quest created during the first Game Jam in April.


Kourend and Kebos


Quest: None

Skills: 20 Farming


1 Quest Point

10,000 Farming XP

A Mystery Master-level Quest

Here is another mystery master-level quest based on combat and some skills. It may be related to Murder Mystery, a new quest line.


We don't know where it is. But if it is the Murder Mystery quest line, it may happen in Sinclair Mansion. Or is it related to pirates?


Quest: Mystery

Skills: 69 Agility, 64 Thieving, 56 Hunter, Recommended 85 Combat Level


2 Quest Points

16,000 Agility XP

12,000 Thieving XP

8,000 Hunter XP

A new solo-repeatable boss

After completing the quest, you can challenge the boss repeatedly for sweet loot, like Vorkath. Then it may be another method to make OSRS gold.

Quests XP Rewards Changes

The OSRS team staff are discussing the XP rewards from Master and Grandmaster quests. They think the current XP reward is less (10k - 30k) and want to increase that to 50 – 100k XP, depending on the quest difficulty and the other rewards.

If you have already completed these quests, don't worry, you will get XP compensation.


Uh…Mod Errol said they had a big plan for Dungeoneering. Will it be a skill like it in RS3? We don't know. But we are looking forward to it. They may mention it in this Game Jam soon. After all, it's time to add a new skill to the game. Dungeoneering is really a good idea.

Currently, there is a poll running in the game. You can vote for them if you want Jagex to add these new quests and quest-related content to the game.

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