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OSRS The Mimic Casket and Boss Introduction


osrs mimic casket and boss

The Mimic casket is an item you can obtain while opening an Elite or Master reward casket, allowing you to fight the Mimic boss for bonus rewards.

How to Get a Mimic Casket

Firstly, you must speak to the Strange Casket upstairs in Watson's house in Hosidius to enable it (disabled by default). After talking to it, you will have a chance to get a Mimic Casket when you open your Elite (1/35) or Master (1/15) reward casket.

The Mimic Boss

Once you obtain a Mimic Casket, you can go back to the Strange Casket upstairs in Watson's house and challenge the Mimic Boss.

Please note that you have six chances to challenge the Mimic Boss from a master clue and five from an elite one. If you fail all, you won't get any rewards from the Mimic Casket.

It uses three attacks:

Melee attack: It performs a normal melee attack if you are standing in the melee range. And it always moves towards you and tries to hit you. So always turn on the Protect from Melee throughout the battle.

Candy attack: It will throw six candies at you - three purple, one red, one blue, and one green. And three of them spawn the Third Age Warrior (red), Third Age Mage (blue), and Third Age Ranger (green). Ignore them.

Stomp Attack: The Mimic will step one tile forward onto you, dealing 1-1-1-2-2-2-3-3-3-4... damages for every tick if you are under it. The max damage is 6. If it happens, walk away from it.

You can use magic or ranged to fight against it. Bring a dragon dagger (p++) or dragon claws for special attacks.


After defeating the Mimic Boss, leave the boss room and open the Mimic Casket for Bonus loot.

There is a high chance for a 3rd age reward from a Mimic Casket: 1/228 for Masters and 1/250 for Elites.

We strongly recommend that you enable it. Good luck!

The RSBee Team


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