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OSRS Temple of the Eye Quest Quick Guide


Temple of the Eye

The new OSRS quest Temple of the Eye launched, along with the release of the guardians of the rift minigame. Here is a quick guide to help you to complete this quest.

Requirements & Items

To start the quest, you must have completed the miniquest Enter the Abyss and skill of Level 10 Runecraft. 

A Bucket of water, a Chisel, and a Pickaxe are needed.

Recommended items: Ring of Dueling, Lumbridge Teleport, and Varrock Teleport.

Quest Walkthrough

1. Use your Ring of Dueling to teleport to the Duel Arena, and walk west to find Wizard Persten (a quest icon marked on the world map). Speak with him to start the quest. (Chat 2.1)

2. After obtaining the Eye amulet, use your Varrock teleport to teleport to Varrock city, and walk southeast. Speak with the Mage of Zamorak at the Altar of Chaos. (Chat 1.3)

3. Walk north to the Tea stall (southeast of the Varrock eastern bank) and speak with the Tea seller. (Chat 3) 

4. Head back to the Altar of Chaos and speak with the Mage of Zamorak. (Chat 1.1) And he will teleport you to the Abyss.

5. Speak with the Dark Mage at the Abyss. (Chat 3)

After the conversation, you will find six different colours of runic energies appearing around. Touch each of them in order until all of them turn white. Because the touching order is random for everyone, remember your order. You must start touching from the first one if you fail on any.

6. After working out what orders the runic energies are, you will get an Abyssal incantation.

7. Head back to Wizard Persten. Speak with him and accept the teleport to Wizards' Tower. (Chat 1)

8. Go and find Archmage Sedridor at the basement of Wizards' Tower, speak with him. (Chat 2.4)

9. Climb up the ladder and stairs to find Wizard Traiborn on the second floor, and speak with him. (Chat 2)

10. Speak with Apprentice Felix, Tamara, and Cordelia to solve the puzzle.

11. Speak with Wizard Traiborn and give him the answer 11.

12. Head back to the basement, speak with Archmage Sedridor or Wizard Persten.

Follow the arrows to complete the Guardians of the Rift tutorial.

1. Talk with each of the apprentices, then speak with Wizard Persten.

2. Speak with Apprentice Felix, then take a weak cell from the table.

3. Speak with Apprentice Tamara, place the weak cell on the inactive cell tile next to her.

4. Speak with Apprentice Felix, take a weak cell from the table, then click on the essence pile to assemble a guardian. And repeat for the other essence pile.

5. Speak with Apprentice Tamara, mine the guardian remains.

6. Speak with Apprentice Felix and turn guardian fragments into guardian essence with the workbench.

7. Speak to Apprentice Tamara, take an uncharged cell from the table, enter the Mind Altar and click the altar.

8. Speak to Apprentice Tamara, click the weak cell tile, then power up the Great Guardian.

9. After completing it, speak with Apprentice Tamara.

10. Mine more guardian fragments and turn them into guardian essence. Enter the Water Altar, click the altar, then power up the Great Guardian.

11. Speak with Apprentice Tamara, click on the Essence pile to assemble another guardian.

12. Speak with Apprentice Tamara.

13. Mine more guardian fragments, turn them into guardian essence, then take an uncharged cell from the table and use the water portal talisman on the water guardian.

14. Click the Water Altar, then leave the alter and speak with Apprentice Tamara.

15. Place the cell you made on the cell tile, speak with Apprentice Tamara, then power up the Great Guardian.

You will automatically exit and speak with Archmage Sedridor to finish the quest. We hope you enjoy the quest and are happy with the Guardians of the Rift update.

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