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OSRS Spicy Stews for Skill Boosts Introduction


entrance of dave's basement

The Spicy stews are untradable member-only stews that can temporarily increase or decrease most of your skill levels. It is useful when doing OSRS quests, building projects in your house, etc. Today we will introduce them to you.


You must have completed the Freeing Evil Dave subquest in Recipe for Disaster.

Have a cat or hellcat to chase the hell-rats. Don't use kittens because the success rate is too low, even though they can catch these rats.

The Spices

There are four types of spices: Red spice, Orange spice, Yellow spice, and Brown spice. You can get them by chasing the hell-rats with your cat in Evil Dave's basement in the house (where Doris is) west of the Edgeville bank.

Right-click on your cat or hellcat, and select Chase when you are in the basement. If successful, you will find some spice on the ground (1 - 4 doses).

Make Spicy Stews

Buy some stews on the Grand Exchange, then use a colour spice on one of them for up to three doses.

Related Skills Affected

Different colour spices (3 doses) affect different skill levels. You can check it by reading the following table.

Colour Skills Boosts
Red Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged, Magic -5 to +5
Orange Smithing, Crafting, Fletching, Runecraft, Cooking, Construction, Firemaking -5 to +5
Yellow Agility, Hunter, Slayer, Thieving, Prayer -5 to +5
Brown Woodcutting, Farming, Fishing, Mining, Herblore -5 to +5

Note: Each boosted skill is random.

You can use the super restore potion or the Pool of Refreshment at Ferox Enclave (teleport with a dueling ring) to restore your skill stats.

We hope this can help you.

The RSBee Team


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