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OSRS Secrets of the North Quest Quick & Complete Guide


Secrets of the north is the latest OSRS quest released on 11 January 2023. Here is a quick & complete guide for it.



69 Agility

64 Thieving

56 Hunter


Making Friends with My Arm

The General's Shadow

Devious Minds

Hazeel Cult



100 OSRS gold coins


Tinderbox ( can be obtained during the quest)


Ardougne cloak

Icy basalt or Fairy ring teleport

House teleport or Varrock teleport (Grand Exchange teleport)


Stamina potion (4) x2

Ranging potion (4)

Saradomin brew (4)

Super restore potion (4)

Combat gear (Ranged & Magic)


Getting There

The fastest method is to use the Spirit Tree to teleport to the Battlefield of Khazard. Then run north and east to reach the guard at the entrance of Carnillean Mansion.

Quest Guide

1. Talk to the guard outside the door of Carnillean Mansion to start the quest. (Chat 1)

2. Climb up the stairs to the south in Mansion and talk to the guard.

3. Inspect Ceril's corpse and the broken window in the east room.

4. Knock on the false wall beside the bookcase and climb up the ladder. Inspect the chest in the room.

5. Go back to the guard, and talk to him again. (Chat 1-1-2-1)

6. Go to the Fight Arena Bar, and talk to the Khazard Barman. (Chat 3; he will take the 100 OSRS gold coins)

7. Inspect the barrels just outside the bar entrance. Follow the trail, and inspect the northwest boulders at the end.

8. Then the northeast bush, the tree stump, another set of boulders, and another bush.

9. Go east and reach Evelot. She will start to attack you. Turn on the Protect from Melee prayer to defeat her. Please note that she will disable protection prayers and drains prayer points during the fight. Enable prayers quickly after being disabled to avoid taking damage.

10. Go through all conversations after the fight.

11. Enter the Ardougne Sewers (Marked with a red dungeon icon east of the Clock Tower on the map), and board the raft.

12. Go south end and talk to Hazeel.

13. Return the guard at the entrance of Carnillean Mansion, and talk to him.

14. Climb down the ladder in the east dining room, and talk to Claus the Chef.

15. Search the southwest shelves, and press the button by selecting the Yes option.

16. Inspect the wall on the north side of the room, and enter the passage.

17. Picklock the chest for a dusty scroll:

Set all numbers as 1s to start it.

Set the incorrect ones as 2s.

Then 3s, 4s, 5s, and 6s until they are all green.

18. Inspect the dusty scroll, and take it to Hazeel in the Ardougne Sewers.

19. Teleport to Weiss with the Icy basalt (or use the Fairy ring code D K S, then run northwest and take the boat to Weiss.

20. Talk to Big Fish east of the northern entrance of Weiss.

21. Go west and south to talk to Snowflake. (Chat 2)

22. Return Big Fish and speak to him again. (Chat 1-1-1)

23. Descend the stairs west of the entrance of the main building (Marked with a red dungeon icon on the map), and go through the southern cave. (Chat 1)

24. There will be a cutscene. Then defeat the assassin.

The assassin will attack you with ranged (if you use Protect from Melee) or melee (if you use Protect from Missiles). He will also throw 1x1 tile smoke bombs in the room.

You have to lure him standing into it and attack to deal damage. He throws green vials to poison you and deals up to 30 damages during the fight.

25. After defeating the assassin, go south, then west to find Hazeel, and talk to him.

26. Go east, then south, and search a barrel south of the center room for a lever handle.

27. Unlock the center room gate (code: BLOOD) and enter it.

28. Open the chest (code: 7402) to the north for an icy chest.

29. Light the braziers in the following order: NW, SE, NE, SW.

30. Open the western chest for a jewel shard.

31. Leave the room and go north, then west (east of Hazeel). Unlock the gate of the northern room by clicking the LEFT - UP - LEFT - DOWN arrows.

32. Use the lever handle on the lever mechanism, then pull it.

33. Leave the room and return to the room where you defeated the assassin. Inspect the southwestern pillar for another jewel shard.

34. Combine the two jewel shards together for an ancient jewel, and use it on the icy chest to obtain an icy key.

35. Go south where you find the barrel, then west. Use the icy key on the gate.

It's time to fight against the boss. Go and get some more supplies if you are low on combat skills. We suggest you use ranged and magic for the battle.

36. Enter the crevice and defeat the Strange Creature.

The Strange Creature uses both Melee and ranged attacks. It will attack you with melee when it's brown, kiting it with magic (the ice barrage spell can freeze it). It will switch to ranged attacks when it's green. Turn on protect from missiles and attack it with ranged.

Be aware of the spikes during the fight, and keep away from them.

It will unleash a powerful shockwave when its health reaches around 20%. Hide behind a spike to avoid the damage. Then the creature will activate a prayer shield and Soul Split. Turn on your Smite prayer while attacking it to make it easier to break down the shield.

37. After a cutscene, accept Hazeel's teleport by selecting Chat 1.

38. Talk to the guard to complete the quest.


2 Quest points

60,000 Agility experience

50,000 Thieving experience

40,000 Hunter experience

Access to the Ghorrock Dungeon

Access to a stronger version of the Strange Creature, the Phantom Muspah

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