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OSRS Quest Guide - Skill, Transportation, Equipment, Area Unlocking


We know that in the OSRS game, the quest system is one of the most considerable game content. By completing some quests, you can unlock many new features - such as skills, skills-related game content, transportation methods, equipment, some areas, etc. Today, let's learn which OSRS quests can unlock some of these new features.

Skill Related

Here's a particular skill - Herblore. You can't train it until you finish the Druidic ritual quest. The following are some quests for unlocking some related to the skills.

Quest Unlock Points of Interest
Rune Mysteries the ability to use Lamps and Books of knowledge on Runecraft You can train Runecraft skill easier.
Tears of Guthix weekly access to a minigame that rewards experience in your lowest skill It's useful for your skill training.
Desert Treasure the ability to use Ancient Magicks The Ancient spells are powerful for training Magic and PKing.
Lunar Diplomacy the ability to use Lunar spells The Vengeance on the Lunar spellbook is the most popular spell for Pkers.


It saves you a lot of time to use the transportation system in OSRS. You can instantly transport from one place to another after completing the following quests. It prevents you from running and running.

Quest Unlock Points of Interest
Plague City Ardougne teleport You can teleport to East Ardougne with a tablet/2 Law runes & 2 Water runes (51 Magic is required).
Enlightened Journey Balloon Transport System Varrock - south of Lumber Yard is the most popular destination.
Fairytales Part 1 and start Part 2 Fairy rings It consists of 45 teleportation rings spread across the world.
Tree Gnome Village Spirit tree It's a gnomish method of transportation.
The Grand Tree Gnome glider There is a special service during the Monkey Madness I quest.
Ghosts Ahoy Ectophial Free passage to Port Phasmatys.
Watchtower Watchtower Teleport You can teleport to Watchtower with a tablet/2 Law runes & 2 Earth runes (58 Magic is required).
Another Slice of H.A.M. Dorgesh-Kaan–Keldagrim train system Take a train journey in the game like in real life.
Eadgar's Ruse Trollheim Teleport A quick way to God war dungeon.
Shilo Village Shilo Village cart system Only for Karamja and Shilo Village traveling.
Eagle's Peak Eagle transport system Travel quickly to different Hunter areas.


In the game, some equipment is very popular with players. But if you want to wear them, you have to complete some quest.

Quest Unlock Points of Interest
Dwarf Cannon Dwarf Multicannon Make your kills easier.
Dragon Slayer I Green d'hide body, Rune platebody, and Dragon platebody Must better than Chainbody.
Dragon Slayer II Ava's assembler As a Ranger, you shouldn't miss it. 
Family Crest Steel gauntlets Cooking gauntlets, Goldsmith gauntlets, and Chaos gauntlets.
Animal Magnetism Ava's device Nice device for Rangers. 
Recruitment Drive Initiate armour It saves you lots of Prayer potions. 
The Slug Menace Proselyte armour It saves you lots of Prayer potions.
Lost City Dragon dagger & Dragon longsword DDS? Nice special attack weapon.
Monkey Madness I Dragon scimitar A nice weapon for melee skills training.
Monkey Madness II Heavy Ballista A powerful Ranged weapon.
The Fremennik Isles Helm of neitiznot A popular Melee helm.
Haunted Mine Salve Amulet A powerful amulet for killing undead monsters.


Some areas also need to complete some quest to obtain access. And some of them often have surprises and benefits you can't imagine.

Quest Unlock Points of Interest
Priest In Peril Morytania Meet the werewolves and explore more game content.
Bone Voyage Fossil Island Fossil Wyvern Cave, Mushroom Forest, Sulliuscep, Deranged archaeologist.
Throne of Miscellania Managing Miscellania Managing the subjects of your kingdom. Money, Money!
Regicide Tirannwn The ability to wield the dragon halberd. Use Zul-Andra teleport scrolls and battle Zulrah.
Mourning's End Part I Lletya A quick route for recharging your Crystal bow and Crystal shield. 
Song of the Elves Prifddinas Fight Zalcano, Play The Gauntlet, Make a divine potion, A new Slayer dungeon. 
Dragon Slayer II Ungael Fight Vorkath
Dragon Slayer II Myths' Guild Wrath altar, Green, Blue, Red, and Black Dragons, Recharge dragonstone jewellery
Dragon Slayer II Lithkren Vault Adamant and Rune dragons.

That's all for today. More unlockings by OSRS quests are waiting for you to explore in the game.

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