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OSRS Phantom Muspah Boss Killing Guide


The Phantom Muspah is a quest boss that you can repeatedly fight in an instanced area after the OSRS quest Secrets of the North. It has the same attacks and mechanics as the Strange Creature but is stronger than its quest variant.

How to Get There

You can find the boss where you fought the Strange Creature during the quest.

The best method to get there is using the icy basalt (buy from the Grand Exchange). Cross the little boulder to the southeast, then squeeze through the broken fense to the east. Descend the stairs, run south and enter the cave. Run east, then south, and enter the crevice.

Or you can use the fairy code: DKS to teleport to the polar hunter area and run northwest. Take the boat to Weiss, climb up the agility course, talk to Don't Know What, then descend the stairs.

Suggested Gear Setup and Inventory

You can use Magic and Ranged gear to fight against it. Or you can use Ranged gear only.

For Magic and Ranged:

Farseer helm & Blessed coif or better

Ava's device

Ahrim's robetop & Karil's leathertop or better

Ahrim's robeskirt & Karil's leatherskirt or better

Trident of the swamp & Toxic blowpipe; Rune crossbow & Sapphire bolts (e) for shield

Amulet of fury or Occult necklace & Necklace of anguish

Malediction ward or better

Barrows gloves

Boots of brimstone or Blessed boots & Bloodbark boots

Ring of suffering (r) or Ring of suffering (ri)

Take a Stamina potion(4), a Ranging potion(4), Prayer potion(4)x3, and the rune pouch for ice barrage (ancient spellbook). And the rest are food like sharks or better.

For Ranged only:

Blessed coif or better

Ava's device

Karil's leathertop or better

Karil's leatherskirt or better

Rune Crossbow or better

Book of law or better

Diamond bolts (e), Ruby bolts (e), and Sapphire bolts (e) for shield

Amulet of fury or Necklace of anguish

Barrows gloves

Blessed boots or better

Take a Stamina potion(4), a Ranging potion(4), and Prayer potion(4)x3. And the rest are food like sharks or better.

You can also take runes for thralls (Arceuus spellbook) for extra damage, and greater corruption deals more damage during the shield phase.

About the Boss

The Phantom Muspah has three forms: Ranged, Melee, and Shielded.

Use a Ranged weapon for Ranged form and a Magic weapon for Melee form. And Use the crossbow & sapphire bolts (e) for Shielded form.

It also uses the Magic attack that deals over 60 damage if not using Protect from Magic when it's green (Ranged form). Switch to the Magic prayer when it starts attacking you with magic. Then back to Protect from Missile.

Freeze it with the ice barrage when it's brown (Melee form), then attack it with magic if you use ranged and magic. Kite it if you use Ranged only.

Drink a dose of Ranging porion before entering.

Once you are in, turn on Protect from Missile, and be ready to kite it if it is the Melee form.

It will use Charged clouds or Homing Spikes to attack you after a certain amount of health is depleted.

Charged clouds: The boss will teleport around and leave charged clouds on the ground that will deal up to 20 damage. Stay away from these clouds to avoid being damaged.

Homing Spikes: It will slam the ground, causing 2-4 spikes to home in on you. Move and stay away from them to avoid being damaged. After about 20 seconds, they will stop moving. If you stand on them, you will be damaged while it will heal the boss with the same HP you lose.

Whenever the boss changes forms, it will attack you with a spike. Move to another tile to avoid being damaged.

When its HP is less than 150, the Phantom Muspah will teleport to the center and unleash a massive shockwave, dealing up to 80 damage. You can stand behind a spike to avoid the attack. Once the shockwave finishes, the boss will change into the shielded form. Use your crossbow and sapphire bolt (e) to attack it.


The Phantom Muspah drops Ancient essence, Charged ice, Frozen cache (open for various rewards), Ancient icon, Venator shard, Muphin (pet), and many other supplies, runes, armour, herbs, and seeds.

Killing the boss is another OSRS gold making method.

If you die during the battle, your grave will appear outside in the Ghorrock Dungeon. You must go and loot your drops before it vanishes.

Good luck, and happy game time!

The RSBee Team


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