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OSRS New Quest Land of the Goblins Guide and Walkthrough


OSRS new quest Land of the Goblins was released! Now let’s go and complete it together.

Quest Requirements

Quests: Another Slice of H.A.M. & Fishing Contest

Skills: Level 38 Agility, Level 40 Fishing, Level 45 Thieving, Level 48 Herblore, and Level 60 Combat

Items: Goblin mail, Toadflax potion (unf), Yellow dye, Blue dye, Orange dye, Purple dye, Black dye (tradable, made by using a pestle and mortar on a black mushroom while an empty vial in inventory), Fishing rod, Raw slimy eel, 5 Coins, A light source, some Law runes and Molten glasses

Quest Walkthrough

1. Prepare the items and teleport to Lumbridge and run to the cook’s house, then climb down the trapdoor and squeeze through the south-eastern hole. Run a bit east and right-click on Kazgar, then choose Mines Kazgar.

2. Talk to Grubfoot there then enter Dorgesh-Kaan using the door to the south.

3. Run west to the Oldak’s house and talk to Zanik, choosing chat 3-3-*-1, then you will be teleported to the Goblin cave.

4. Run north then a bit west, you will find an entrance blocked by two goblin guards. Talk to any of them for Zanik to pass and you will be stopped. Note: You can pick the black mushrooms nearby for later use if you haven’t made the black dye yet.

5. Teleport to the Crafting guild with your skill necklace, and run north. Talk to Makeover Mage, choosing chat 4-1-2.

6. Pick the pharmakos bush outside the Mage’s house, and use the berries on your Toadflax potion (unf) to make a Goblin potion.

7. Return to the Goblin cave by teleporting to the Fishing Guild with a skill necklace or returning to Oldak and making him teleport you there with 2 Law runes and molten glass.

8. Run to the entrance where the goblin guards stopped you. Use the black dye on the Goblin mail and drink your Goblin potion. Climb down the entrance, choosing chat 2.

9. Run northeast, and pass the guard, then talk to Zanik in the prison cell.

10. Search the crate in the room to find a Dorgesh-kaan sphere, then talk to Zanik again and she will teleport out.

11. Go out of the room and talk to High Priest Bighead, who is in the center of the temple and choose chat 1-1-1-2-2-2-1-2-1-2-1.

12. Go past the north-eastern guard and pickpocket the priest in the room for a key.

13. Teleport to Draynor Village with charged Amulet of glory, then find Aggie and talk to her, choosing chat 4-4.

14. Teleport to Fishing Guild or Ranging guild then head to the Fishing Contest area in Hemenster. Click on the gate, and choose chat 3. Go in and catch a whitefish with the Fishing rod and Raw slimy eel.

15. Return to Aggie and talk to her for a white goblin mail, by choosing chat 4-4.

16. Withdraw some gear and food and return to the goblin temple wearing the white goblin mail and pickpocket the priest in the western room. Redye your goblin mail with the right color to pickpocket the other four keys: Yellow (north-west), Purple (south-west), Orange (south-east), Blue (east).

17. Unlock the large door north of the temple with the keys and go in. Use the Say-name option on each of the graves. After defeating them, talk to them and choose chat 2. Ensure you ask Strongbones where Yu'biusk is before leaving.

South-west: Snothead; South-east: Snailfeet (Chat 2)

North-west: Mosschin (Chat 2)

North-east: Redeyes (Chat 2)

North: Strongbones (ignore the Skoblins) (Chat 1)

18. Return to Dorgesh-Kaan and speak to Zanik in Oldak's house. Then find a fairy ring and use the code a j q to teleport to Oldak.

19. After talking to Oldak, click on the machines and combine the number 9-4-1 to activate it.

20. After the cutscene, run north-west and open the big strange box for another cutscene to complete the quest.

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