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OSRS Necklaces for Skills Training & Teleporting


There are some necklaces for OSRS Skills training and teleporting in the OSRS game. Let's learn about them below.

For Non-combat Skills Training

These necklaces are useful when you train your OSRS Skills.

Binding necklace

The binding necklace gives you a 100% success rate in making combination runes while training your Runecraft skill. It has 16 uses, and clicking on an alter will consume one use.

The monsters in the Abyss have a chance to drop the necklace. And you can also make it by casting Lvl-2 Enchant (1 cosmic and 3 air runes) on an Emerald necklace.

Dodgy necklace

The Dodgy necklace gives you a 25% chance to prevent you from being stunned and damaged when you pickpocket NPCs while training your Thieving skill. It has 16 charges,

and each successful prevention will consume one use.

You can make it by casting Lvl-1 Enchant (1 cosmic and 1 water runes) on an opal necklace.

For Teleporting

You can use these necklaces to teleport to some locations in the game.

Digsite pendant

You must complete the OSRS quest - The Dig Site to make and use it. Unlike the other jewelry, you must learn how to enchant a ruby necklace by cleaning uncleaned finds. If you have found a clean necklace (1/51) in the sample, you can hand it to any archaeologist to learn the enchantment spell (1 cosmic and 5 fire runes).

Teleporting locations:

North of the Digsite

House on the Hill on Fossil Island (completion of Bone Voyage)

Lithkren Vault - Rune and Adamant Dragons (completion of Dragon Slayer II)

Necklace of passage

You can make it by casting Lvl-2 Enchant (1 cosmic and 3 air runes) on a jade necklace.

Teleporting locations:

Wizards' Tower

The Outpost

Eagle's Eyrie

Games necklace

You can make it by casting Lvl-1 Enchant (1 cosmic and 1 water runes) on a sapphire necklace.

Teleporting locations:

Barbarian Outpost

Burthorpe Games Room

Corporeal Beast's Lair

Tears of Guthix Minigame (completion of Tears of Guthix)

Wintertodt Camp (you must visit Zeah before you can use it)

Skills necklace

You can make it by casting Lvl-5 Enchant (1 cosmic and 15 water & earth runes) on a dragonstone necklace.

Teleporting locations:

Fishing Guild

Mining Guild

Crafting Guild

Cooks' Guild

Woodcutting Guild

Farming Guild

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