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OSRS Free Quest Guide - The Knight's Sword


The Knight's Sword is one of the free OSRS quests that Sir Vyvin will ask you to help him to make a new ceremonial sword for ir Vyvin. Here is the guide for the quest.


It requires level 10 Mining. Level 15 Mining & Smithing and level 10 Cooking are needed if you are an Ironman.

Be sure to survive from level 57 ice warriors (max hit 6) and level 53 ice (max hit 7) giants.


Required Items

Before starting the quest, please buy a Redberry pie, a Pickaxe (any tier), and 2 Iron bars from the Grand Exchange if you don't have them.

You have to mine 1 Blurite ore (Untradeable) in the mine in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon.

Suggested items

Runes or Teleport tablets for Varrock and Falador teleports.

Fast travel methods to Rimmington: Pest Control minigame teleport, Fairy Rings (Code: a i q), or Rimmington Teleport, etc. (Member only)

Armour and food if you are low in combat.

Some energy potions.

Quest Walkthrough

1. Speak to the Squire in the courtyard of the White Knights' Castle in Falador. (Chat 1-2-1-1)

2. Teleport to Varrock (not the Grand Exchange) and head to the library in Varrock Palace. Speak to Reldo. (Chat 3; Chat 4 if you haven't started the Shield of Arrav quest)

3. Find Thurgo south of Port Sarim (Marked with an Anvil on the map), southwest of the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon entrance, and north of the Fairy a i q. Speak to him and give him a Redberry pie. (Chat 2; Chat 3 if you are also doing The Giant Dwarf quest)

4. Talk to him again. (Chat 1)

5. Head back to the Squire in Falador and speak to him.

6. Go east and climb up the ladder on the easternmost of the castle, then go west and climb up the staircase. Search the cupboard in the south room with a bed for a Portrait. Be sure that he is not looking at you.

7. Head back to Thurgo and give him the portrait. (Chat 1)

8. Go northeast to the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon entrance, and climb down the trapdoor.

9. Walk west, north, and east to the main area of ice warriors and ice giants. You will find the Blurite to the east or south.

10. Head back to Thurgo and speak to him for a sword. (Chat 1)

11. Teleport to Falador and speak to the Squire to complete the quest.


1 Quest point

12,725 Smithing experience

The ability to smelt blurite ore into blurite bars (members only)


You have to prepare 2 blurite ores and 4 iron bars if you want your own blurite sword.

When you get your first sword, drop it and ask Thurgo for another with the materials.

Give Thurgo an additional redberry pie if you are doing or plan on doing The Giant Dwarf quest.

Put the sword in your inventory (don't equip it) before speaking to the Squire to complete the quest.

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