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OSRS Free Quest Guide - The Corsair Curse


The Corsair Curse is a free OSRS quest in that you need to help the captain of the Corsair lift the curse laid upon his crew members. Here's a quick guide for the quest.

Requirements and Items

There are no requirements for it, but you must have the ability to defeat Ithoi the Navigator (level 35), a capable mage who uses elemental bolt spells and the Curse spell.

A spade and a tinderbox are required. In addition, please prepare some energy potions, equipment, and food (if you are low in combat).

Quest Walkthrough

1. Head south of the Falador farm entrance, north of Port Sarim. Find Captain Tock, and speak to him to start the quest. (Chat 2-1)

2. Speak to Captain Tock again on the dock at the western end of Rimmington to sail to Corsair Cove. (Char 1)

3. Go west and a bit south from the dock (on the southernmost part of the beach). Then go upstairs. Speak to Ithoi the Navigator. (Chat 1)

4. Go northwest from the building. And you will find another hut just south of the pool. Speak to Arsen the Thief (Chat 1) and Cabin Boy Colin (Chat 1) upstairs.

5.Go upstairs in the building just northwest. Speak to Gnocci the Cook. (Chat 1)

6. Return to Captain Tock, crossing the south Gangplank. Speak to him to receive the Ogre artefact. (Chat 1)

7. Leave the boat and go west of the cove, then climb down the hole into the Corsair Cove Dungeon (the dungeon icon on the map). Speak to Chief Tess. (Chat 1)

8. Leave the dungeon and go southwest. You will find a bent tropical tree and a lump of sand (west of the fishing spot). Dig standing on the tile north of the lump of sand to receive the Toy doll. (Chat 1)

9. Go east and a bit south to Ithoi the Navigator's hut. Use the telescope upstairs.

10. Return Gnocci the Cook and speak to him.

11. Return Arsen the Thief and speak to him. And then talk to Cabin Boy Colin.

12. Go back to the boat and speak to Captain Tock. (Chat 1-1)

13. Leave the boat and speak to Gnocci the Cook. (Chat 1)

14. Then speak to Arsen the Thief (Chat 1-1) and Cabin Boy Colin (Chat 1).

15. Return to Ithoi the Navigator and speak to him. (Chat 1-1)

16. Speak to Ithoi the Navigator again. (Chat 1-1)

17. Use the tinderbox on the driftwood under Ithoi the Navigator's hut.

18. Speak to Ithoi the Navigator once more. (Chat 1)

19. Go back to the boat and speak to Captain Tock. (Chat 1-3)

20. Leave the boat and go west to kill Ithoi the Navigator (the battle will start once you climb the stairs).

21. Speak to Captain Tock on the boat to complete the quest. (Chat 1)


2 Quest points

Access to Yusuf's bank in the Corsair Cove

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