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OSRS Free Quest Guide - Demon Slayer


Demon Slayer is also a novice OSRS quest. And it is easy to complete. In the quest, you have to defeat a level 27 mighty demon to defend Varrock City. We do not recommend you purchase it from our quest helper list.

Requirements & Items

There are no requirements for it, but we suggest you have a higher combat level for defeating the level 27 demon and some wizards.

You should prepare some food and gear if you are a low-level player. The demon can hit you with a max hit of 9.

Runes for Varrock teleport & Lumbridge teleport or Necklace of Passage (member-only), and some Energy potions or Stamina potions (member-only)

Required items:

1 OSRS Gold Coin

25 regular Bones

A Bucket of water

Quest Walkthrough

1. Speak to Aris southwest of Varroc Square, and give her 1 coin. (Chat 1-2-3-4 or 1-1-2-3-4 if you have started Recipe for Disaster)

Note: Do remember the incantation Wally chants in the cutscene. If you forget it, you can ask her again during the quest.

2. Run north to the Varrock palace, and speak to Sir Prysin on the 1st floor at the southwest corner. (Chat 3-1-2-2, then you can skip the other chats options)

3. Go northwest of the palace and climb up the stairs twice.

4. Speak to Captain Rovin there to receive a Silverlight key. (Chat 3-1-2-2-3-1)

5. Climb down the stairs to the first floor. And then go to the drain outside the Kitchen (you can find a kitchen icon on the world map, the northeast room in the palace).

6. Use a Bucket of water on the drain.

7. Go to the Manhole east of the tree patch outside the wall, and climb down.

8. Run west, then north to the end by an underground river.

9. Take the Rusty key next to some skeleton Bone.

10. With 25 sets of unnoted bones, teleport to Lumbridge and run to the Wizard Tower. (Teleport to Wizard Tower with the Necklace of Passage if you are a member.)

Note: You can kill these level 9 Wizards for more bones if you don't have enough. You do not have to deliver all 25 at once.

11. Go upstairs and speak to Wizard Traiborn in the northeast room. (Chat 1-3-2)

12. Speak to him again, and he will take the bones. He will give you the third key after receiving 25 sets of bones.

13. Return to Sir Prysin and give him all three keys for the Silverlight (Auto equipped).

14. Head to the Wizard area east of the Varrock's south entrance (outside). You will see a cutscene.

15. Defeat Delrith with the incantations Wally chanted.

Congratulations! Quest complete.


3 Quest points

Silverlight (if lost, you can retrieve it from Sir Prysin for a fee of 500 coins)

You can talk to Historian Historian Minas in the Varrock Museum for 5 Kudos after finishing it.

Silverlight is a required item for the Shadow of the Storm quest. You'd better put it in your bank for later use.

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