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OSRS Fairy Rings Transportation System Using Guide


There are many transportation methods in OSRS games. With these transmission methods, You will find it much more convenient to go from any location to a specific location elsewhere with these methods. Today, let's talk about the fairy ring transportation system.

How to Activate the Fairy Ring

You can activate it by getting permission from the fairy Godfather during the Fairy Tale II - Cure a Queen quest. By the way, you must complete the pre-quests as follows: The Restless Ghost, Priest in Peril, Nature Spirit, Lost City, and Fairy tale I - Growing Pains. And also, a dramen staff or lunar staff is required to use it unless you have fully completed the Lumbridge & Draynor Diary.

Use Fairy Ring

fairy ring

Click the fairy ring to open the system interface, then you will be asked to combine the 12 letters to get a 3-letter transport combination. Select each letter and click Teleport to this location. You will not be teleported to anywhere if you selected a no responding code or the code you are now located in. If you have recently traveled to somewhere, you will find a travel log in the bottom right which you can click for a quick selection for the next travel.

Combination Codes & Locations

Code Location Points of Interest
a i q Asgarnia: Mudskipper Point Mogres, Rimmington, Port Sarim, Asgarnia Ice Dungeon
a i r Islands: South-east of Ardougne Empty island, used for clue scroll coordinates and the medium Ardougne diary.
a i q Dungeons: Cave south of Dorgesh-Kaan Completion of Death to the Dorgeshuun and a light source is required to enter this area. Cave crawlers, Cave bugs, Cave slimes, and Molanisks can be found here.Dorgesh-Kaan Agility Course may also be found here.
a j r Kandarin: Slayer cave south-east of Rellekka Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, Rellekka west of fairy ring.
a j s Islands: Penguins near Miscellania. Penguins; no other access. It also is the fourth combination to the Fairy Queen's first hiding place (Fairy Tale II - Cure a Queen)
a k q Kandarin: Piscatoris Hunter area Kraken Cove, Chinchompas (grey), Mining spots, Piscatoris Fishing Colony
a k s Feldip Hills: Feldip Hunter area Hunter jungle area, Chompy hunting grounds, Gnome glider.
a l p Islands: Lighthouse Jossik, Barbarian Outpost, Rellekka, Dagannoths
a l q Morytania: Haunted Woods east of Canifis Can be used in conjunction with the Ectophial to quickly access the fairy ring network, but this ring is surrounded by aggressive Vampyres and Leeches. Farming patch, Port Phasmatys east
a l r Other Realms: Abyssal Area Abyssal leeches, guardians, walkers, and Abyssal demons. Alternative area for players to get Runecraft pouches
a l s Kandarin: McGrubor's Wood Seers' Village, Coal trucks, Fishing Guild, Ranging Guild, Hemenster Going here is required for the medium Kandarin diary
b i p Islands: South-west of Mort Myre Empty island used for clue scroll cryptic and a level 50 Agility shortcut to enter Mort Myre.
b i q Kharidian Desert near Kalphite Hive. Kalphite Lair for Kalphites and the Kalphite Queen, Shantay Pass nearby.
b i s Kandarin: Ardougne Zoo - Unicorns Unicorns; no other access. Required for the medium Ardougne diary.
b j r Other Realms: Realm of the Fisher King Partial completion of Holy Grail quest is required.
b j s Islands: Near Zul-Andra Completion of Regicide is required. 76 Agility is needed to jump off the island.
b k p Feldip Hills: South of Castle Wars Smoke Devil Dungeon and Chompy bird hunting grounds. Teak tree to the west, Castle Wars north.
b k q Other Realms: Enchanted Valley Tree spirits
b k r Morytania: Mort Myre Swamp, south of Canifis Swamp boat south-east (towards Barrows and Burgh de Rott)
b k s Other Realms: Zanaris Impetuous Impulses, Chaeldar, Cosmic Runecrafting altar
b l p Dungeons: TzHaar area TzHaar Fight Cave, TzHaar Fight Pit, TzHaar monsters
b l r Kandarin: Legends' Guild Legends' Guild, Mining spots, Magic and Maple trees north, Witchaven south, East Ardougne west
c i p Islands: Miscellania Must complete The Fremennik Trials in order to access this area. Miscellania, Etceteria east, Managing Miscellania Required for the medium Fremennik diary.
c i q Kandarin: North-west of Yanille Tree Gnome Village north, Yanille south-east, Gu'Tanoth south, Castle Wars west
c i r Kebos Lowlands: South of Mount Karuulm Must visit Great Kourend in order to access this area. Directly south of Mount Karuulm, and north-east of the Farming Guild. Required for the medium Kourend & Kebos diary.
c i s Great Kourend: Arceuus Library North of the Arceuus Library in Arceuus. Players must pay a one-off fee 80,000 coins to Trossa in order to use it. Fairy rings must be unlocked from the Fairytale II - Cure a Queen quest to be able to pay the fee.
c j r Kandarin: Sinclair Mansion (east) Sinclair Mansion east, Seers' Village south
c k p Other Realms: Cosmic entity's plane Used in Fairy Tale II - Cure a Queen quest
c k r Karamja: South of Tai Bwo Wannai Village Graahks, Shilo Village nearby, Tai Bwo Wannai Village, Nature altar
c k s Morytania: Canifis Morytania Slayer Tower, Canifis east, Paterdomus west, Mort Myre swamp south.
c l p Islands: South of Draynor Village Required for some hard clue scrolls.
c l r Islands: Ape Atoll Monkey Madness I and completion of Daero's training must be completed in order to use this fairy ring. In addition, 48 Agility and a ninja monkey greegree is required to exit the agility course and travel to the city (note that other monkey greegree types are not sufficient) without taking damage. If you do not have the greegree, you can still attempt the rope swing but will automatically fail and fall to the beginning of the course, taking some damage.
c l s Islands: Hazelmere's home Hazelmere lives nearby
d i p Other Realms: Abyssal Nexus Abyssal Sire
d i q Player-owned house Superior Garden Only works if the player has one in their house.
d i r Other Realms: Gorak's Plane The only place Goraks can be found other than the God Wars Dungeon.
d i s Misthalin: Wizards' Tower Wizards' Tower, Rune essence mine Required for the medium Lumbridge & Draynor diary.
d j p Kandarin: Tower of Life Ardougne Monastery west, East Ardougne north-west, Port Khazard south
d j r Great Kourend: Chasm of Fire Chasm of Fire, north-west corner of Shayzien
d k p Karamja: South of Musa Point Karambwan fishing spots
d k r Misthalin: Edgeville Grand Exchange east, Edgeville bank west, Wilderness north
d k s Fremennik: Polar Hunter area Keldagrim entrance, Brine Rat Cavern, Rock crabs, Rellekka west
d l q Kharidian Desert: North of Nardah Desert lizards, Jackals, Nardah south
d l r Islands: Poison Waste south of Isafdar Player can use Broken Handz's telescope to spectate players fighting Zulrah. There are also unattackable badgers on the island.
d l s Dungeons: Myreque hideout under The Hollows Must complete In Search of the Myreque quest. Find the cracks in the walls to enter the main tunnel under the Hair of the Dog pub in Canifis.

We hope this can help you while you are using fairy ring transportation in the game.

If you have not started the Fairy Tale II - Cure a Queen quest, just visit our OSRS Quest Help page for more information.

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