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OSRS Easter 2022 Event Quick Full Guide


Easter is on its way. Our favorite Easter Bunny meets us again in the OSRS Game. What does it need our help this time? Today, let us see how we can help this lovely pink giant rabbit.

OSRS Easter 2022 Event Walkthrough

1. Talk to the Easter Bunny north of the Al Kharid bank, west of Tanner’s house. (Chat 1)

2. Speak to Karim the Kebab seller. (Chat 1)

3. Head to the Shantay Pass, and talk to Shantay. (Chat 1)

4. Head to Ali Morrisane and talk to him. (Chat 1) He will give you a bottle of special hot sauce.

5. Find the Suspicious crate south of the Al Kharid bank, and talk to it.

6. Go back to Karim, the Kebab seller, and talk to him. (Chat 1)

7. Return and talk to the Suspicious crate to receive a secret report.

8. Return and talk to Ali Morrisane with the report. (Chat 1)

9. Return and talk to the Easter Bunny. (Chat 1)

10. Go and find a Camel, and use the big bucket on it to receive a big bucket of camel milk.

11. Return and talk to the Easter Bunny with the milk. Then a Cutscene comes.

12. Return and talk to the Easter Bunny.

13. Talk to Ellis, the Tanner, east of Bunny. (Chat 1)

14. Search the Pile of junk in the back corner of Ellis' house.

15. Talk to Zeke, the Scimitar Shop owner. (Chat 1)

16. Talk to Ali Morrisane. (Chat 1) Then use the Magical cleaning potion on the Dirty vat, and combine the others.

17. Return and talk to the Easter Bunny. Then another Cutscene comes.

18. Return and talk to the Easter Bunny.

19. Place the Frozen churning machine on the Dirty Ground. Use the milk on it, and operate the machine.

20. Talk to the Easter Bunny.

21. Go and talk to the Suspicious crate.

22. Return and talk to the Easter Bunny.

23. Go to the Shantay Pass.

24. Check the Cooler. (Option 1)

25. Go through the chat options and wait until you see a message in your chatbox "That's long enough!"

26. Return and talk to the Easter Bunny to complete the event.

OSRS Easter 2022 Rewards

osrs easter 2022 rewards

Crate ring: Your character will transform into a crate when it is equipped. And you can perform Question, Exclaim, Shake, and Survey emotes while you are disguised as a crate.

Easter hat: A hat with a flower ring.

Easter egg: You will receive two noted Easter rings.

All other Easter event rewards: You will receive all other Easter event rewards from previous years if you haven't already obtained them.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. And we are professional in OSRS Quests, Events, Minigames, and more.

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