OSRS Duo Boss: Royal Titans Guide
OSRS Duo Bosses: Eldric the Ice King and Branda the Fire Queen are entry-level bosses for players with 70-90+ combat levels, released on 5 February 2025. Fighting against these two bosses aims to let newbie OSRS players learn to switch gears. Although they are bosses, killing them is not a good OSRS gold making method. They don't drop anything very valuable.
Official Worlds
324 United States (west)
328 Germany
567 United Kingdom
573 United States (east)
Gear & Inventory
Bring all three types of combat weapons and gear.
What you use depends on what you can afford. Better gear makes the fight shorter. Here is an example:
Void set with all three helms
Dragon boots
Fire cape
Dragon defender
Brimstone ring
Abyssal whip
Rune/Dragon Crossbow with Ruby bolts (e)
Book of law
Ava's device
Air Staff with the runes for best water and fire spells according to your Magic level (Put the runes in your rune pouch if you have one)
Super combat potion
Ranging potion
4-5 Prayer potions
10+ high-level food like sharks or better
Teleport for bosses and banking (Dramen staff for Fairy ring/Pest control teleport/House teleport, etc)
Getting There
Use Fairy code: AIQ, then run north to the dungeon.
Teleport to Pest control, take the ship to Port Sarim, then run south to the dungeon.
Teleport to your house (set the house portal at Rimmington), then run south to the dungeon.
The fastest method is the Giantsoul amulet (dropped by the Titans). You directly teleport to the bosses' room entrance with it.
Once in the dungeon, use the shortcut to the west (60 agility is required), then run northwest. Otherwise, run north, then west.
Both the bosses use Melee as the basic attacks (Stomp). So, keep using your Protect from Melee prayer until you beat them. There are two phases during the fight. Drink your Super Combat Potion and Ranging potion, and turn on Protect from Melee before entering the bosses' lair. Start the fighting with Ranged attacks. Select an option when clicking on the entrance. If solo, you must kill both for rewards. If you have a partner, allocate which one to fight for each before starting.
Phase 1
Enter the bosses' lair and start attacking any of them with Ranged. When they are in Melee distance, switch your Melee weapon and gear. When they are out of Melee distance, use ranged again.
During the fight, they will use icicles and fire walls, and summon Fire/Ice elementals once any of the bosses has taken 100 damage. Destroy the walls (if needed)/kill the elementals - Fire spell against icicles walls/Ice elementals, and water spell against fire walls/fire elementals. A +70 magic attack bonus (or +39 if wearing the full void mage set) will guarantee a successful hit.
We suggest you keep attacking one titan until its health drops below 210 (35%), then you will start the second phase.
Phase 2
The two bosses will move to each side of the main fighting area and will not walk away again.
The bosses will use Elemental Blast, Summon elementals, and Stomp during the phase.
When they summon elementals, kill them using water/fire spells as you did in phase one. Before the Elemental Blast attacks, a safespot will appear on the ground. Run to the safespot tile quickly when you see it. We suggest you continue attacking the boss you attacked in the first phase. Then, kill the other one.
Rewards & Unique Drops
You can only loot one Titan once both bosses are defeated. There are three options to select when you try to loot them:
Loot - You will get two primary rolls on the drop table.
Sacrifice - You will get nothing but the pet with a double drop rate.
Take pages - You will only get Desiccated pages, which can be converted into Burnt, Soaked, or Soiled pages.
Please note: Be sure to loot a Titan in the following 18 seconds after they are defeated. Otherwise, the loot will be lost after they respawn again.
The unique drops include: Giantsoul amulet (any Titan), Ice element staff crown (Eldric), Deadeye prayer scroll (Eldric), Fire element staff crown (Branda), Mystic vigour prayer scroll(Branda).
You can charge the Giantsoul amulet with big bones and a law rune (one set for each teleport), a maximum of 16,000 charges. Then, you can teleport to the entrances of the lairs of Bryophyta, Obor, and the Royal Titans.
Ice element staff crown and Fire element staff crown (a Battle staff is also required) are used to create Twinflame staff, which provides unlimited amounts of Fire and Water runes. You need to have a 60 Magic to wield.
The Mystic vigour prayer scroll is used to unlock the Mystic Vigour prayer (63 Prayer is required to read the scroll), which replaces Mystic Might within the prayer book. The Mystic Vigour prayer boosts Magic Attack and Magic Defence by 18%, Magic damage by 3%, and non-Magic Defence by 5%.
The Deadeye prayer scroll is used to unlock the Deadeye prayer (62 Prayer is required to read the scroll), which replaces Eagle Eye within the prayer book. The Deadeye prayer boosts Ranged Attack by 18%, Ranged Strength by 18%, and Defence by 5%.
Good luck!
The RSBee Team