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OSRS Crack the Clue 3 Solutions: Step 7 to Step 9


Almost five months have passed since the release of Crack the Clue 3 (23 September 2022). Jagex has given more hints about it because it was so hard. Now here are three more steps for it.

Note: You must have nothing equipped and no other items but the required ones in your inventory when you try to Crack the clues.

Step 7

Required items: Banana, Tin ore, Wool, Tiara, Steel set (lg), Onion, Ashes

Location: Draynor Village

Action: Speak to Ned

Speak to Ned in a small house in eastern Draynor Village.

Step 8

Required items: Iron axe, Mithril scimitar, Uncooked berry pie

Location: Grand Exchange

Action: Speak to Brugsen Bursen

Speak to Brugsen, the director of the Grand Exchange, located by the entrance.

Step 9

Required items: Egg x3, Logs x2, Fur x2, Bowl x1, Tin ore x1, Coal x1, Skull x1

Please note that the Skull is untradeable. You must get it in the Level 2 Wilderness (northeast of Goblin Village and just north of the Mind alter).

Location: Varrock

Action: Speak to Juliet on the 2nd floor of the building west of the Varrock Western Bank.

There are a total of 24 steps in Crack the Clue III. Currently, only 9 steps have been cracked. We believe players will complete all of them soon, with additional hints revealed by Jagex.

We will continue to update the latest cracking steps in the future.

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