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OSRS Activity Adviser for Quest Suggestion Update


osrs activity adviser

Activity Adviser is an in-game tool that will help players find activity suggestions if they are unsure what to do next according to their skill levels, quest status, recent activities, and other stats.

But only some selected accounts can use the game feature to test the OSRS quest only at the beginning. Then Jagex will collect feedback to make changes before everyone can use it for skills, minigames, and other activities later.

Open the Activity Adviser

If you are the lucky one, when you log into the game, a pop-up will show that you can open the Activity Adviser by clicking the button by the minimap on the top right corner.

Available and Target Content

Available Content: Your account meets all skills, quests, and other requirements to start on these activities.

Target Content: Your account doesn’t quite have all the requirements but is close to them for these activities.

Quest Section

You can use the quest Activity Adviser to see quests you can start right now and those you’re close to being able to start. Quests of unlocking the teleport, skill, new map access, or advanced equipment, such as Druidic Ritual, Fairy Ring, Dragon Slayer I, Priest in Peril, Tree Gnome Village, and so on, will be given priority.

Future Section

The future section could include skills, Utility and Miscellaneous, cover skills, teleports, clues, and minigames.

Ideas from RSBee

We believe many players want to know what bosses they can kill. Jagex can add a boss section to Activity Adviser.

How about money-making? The activities in certain Cities/Areas? Equipment set up? Achievement Diary? Combat Achievements?

We have submitted our ideas to Jagex. If you have any other ideas about the Activity Adviser, you can tell J-mod via the official form.

The RSBee Team


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