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Osmumten's Fang and the Scythe of Vitur Changes


As a warrior, you cannot be unaware of these two weapons. They are the most popular PvM weapons in the game. Recently, the OSRS team has made some adjustments to these two weapons. Let's take a look.

Osmumten's Fang

Osmumten's Fang is a one-handed Melee weapon rewarded from the ToA raid. Many players like it for its high Stab bonuses and hit rate. Otherwise, it also provides Slash attack bonuses.

The OSRS team considers that it is too strong on non-Stab styles (Slash) and harms the position of other high-value Melee weaponry like the Scythe of Vitur, Blade of Saeldor, or Inquisitor's Mace.

Compared to the other Slash weapons, this weapon has a relatively high cost-performance ratio. It is used as a standard weapon when fighting bosses like Vordarvis, the Desert II boss. That is to say, players may have overlooked that it is a stab weapon.

So, the OSRS team wants to remove a lot of its Slashing power and have it properly occupy its niche as a Stab weapon. The solution is to have the Fang's unique 'double accuracy roll' passive effect apply only to Stab attacks.

Scythe of Vitur

Scythe of Vitur is a two-handed Melee weapon rewarded from the ToB raid. It's really a powerful weapon when fighting bosses weak to Slash.

The OSRS team will also make some changes to Scythe of Vitur to enhance its value.

A +15 Slash Accuracy will be added to the Scythe to make it more powerful.

The charge cost will be reduced to make players save some OSRS Gold (approximately ~26% usage cost reduction).

The charges will be used only when the Scythe actually hits an enemy.

The Fang's changes will make more room for the Blade of Saeldor and Scythe of Vitur to be worth the cost. In other words, the Scythe of Vitur will be more valuable than before. If you are concerned about the Scythe's price, you will find that it is increasing every day.

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