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New Slayer Boss - The Araxxor is Coming on August 28th


Araxxor, a new Slayer boss, will arrive in the OSRS game on August 28th. If you are also playing RS3 OR played it before, you may know the boss's name. But it's not a backport of the RS3 boss. It's a new OSRS boss.

Requirement to Kill

You need to have a 92 Slayer to kill Araxxor.

Like Alchemical Hydra, you can only kill Araxxor while on an Araxyte Slayer task.

Also, with the boss release, you don't have to complete the Night at the Theatre, a hard-to-complete OSRS quest, but only complete Priest in Peril to access  Morytania.

Because Araxxor is a Melee-focused boss, you must have higher Attack, strength, and defence to encounter the fight.

Araxxor Rewards

The rewards include regular, untradeable, and unique drops.

The regular dropped items have not been confirmed yet, but they are nothing more than runes, rune/dragon items, mage staff/armor, supplies like shark and potions, and other regular loot from the other bosses like clue scroll and more. Oh, wait. It must drop spider eggs, won't it?

Like other Slayer bosses, it also will drop the Araxyte Head, an untradeable drop. You can use the head to create an Araxyte-themed slayer helm. So, please accumulate your slayer points. At that time, you will need 1,000 points to unlock the ability to craft the new helmet. It also will drop the Jar of Venom and the Araxxor pet.

The unique drops include Araxyte venom gland, Aranea boots, Noxious halberd, and An accessory item to upgrade Amulet of torture to Amulet of rancour.

Araxyte venom gland - When used on the target, it will deal 4 venom damage to the target, curing and providing the player with venom immunity for 20 seconds. You can also use it to make the extended anti-venom+ potion, which offers 6 minutes of venom immunity.

Aranea boots - The boots have tribrid stats: +5 Magic & +6 Ranged attack bonuses while providing a +4 Strength bonus.  They also have a passive effect that blocks a web-based special attack from spider-like bosses once every 10 seconds. You only need 1 Defence to equip them.

Noxious halberd - The halberd offers +80 Stab & 132 Slash attack bonuses while providing a 142 Strength bonus. You have a 33% chance to envenom the target or a 50% chance if wearing a serpentine helm when attacking. It also has a special attack: it will cure you of any poison or venom and convert the incoming poison hit into a minimum hit boost on your next hit.

Amulet of rancour - You will have a chance to get an accessory item by killing the boss. You can use it to upgrade the Amulet of torture to the Amulet of rancour. The newly created amulet will be the best-in-slot Melee necklace item, offering +25 bonuses on Stab, Slash, and Crush, while providing a +12 Strength and a +2 Prayer bonuses.

Are you ready for the upcoming boss? Good luck! It will be another OSRS gold making method after the release.

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