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New OSRS Combat Achievement System Updated


Great news! The new OSRS Combat Achievement System (based on the combat achievement points) was released on May 3, 2023! Now let's learn more about it.

What are Combat Achievement Points?

Combat achievement points are used to unlock the combat achievement rewards. You can earn them by completing combat achievement tasks. Different tiers of tasks award various amounts of points.

Easy tasks: You will earn 1 point per task; 33 points to unlock the easy tier rewards.

Medium tasks: You will earn 2 points per task; 115 points to unlock the Medium tier rewards.

Hard tasks: You will earn 3 points per task; 304 points to unlock the Hard tier rewards.

Elite tasks: You will earn 4 points per task; 820 points to unlock the Elite tier rewards.

Master tasks: You will earn 5 points per task; 1465 points to unlock the Master tier rewards.

Grandmaster tasks: You will earn 6 points per task; 2005 points to unlock the Grandmaster tier rewards.

How Does the New System Work?

Complete a task, and earn points.

You will unlock rewards when you have earned enough points.

Claim your rewards by speaking to Ghommal at the entrance to the Warriors' Guild.

You can open the overview interface for Combat Achievements (Combat tasks completed) via the Character Summary tab (the first option under the tab left of the inventory).


Antique lamp - worth 5k (easy-tier), 10k (medium-tier), 15k (hard-tier), 25k (elite-tier), 35k (master-tier), and 50k (grandmaster-tier) experience in any skill above 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70

5% increased chance to receive a clue scroll - easy clue scroll (easy-tier), medium clue scroll (medium-tier), hard clue scroll (hard-tier), and elite clue scroll ( elite-tier)

Ghommal's hilt - Ghommal's hilt 1 to Ghommal's hilt 6 from easy-tier to grandmaster-tier

Ghommal's hilt 1 offers three daily teleports to the God Wars Dungeon entrance (by the large boulder).

Ghommal's hilt 2 offers five daily teleports to the God Wars Dungeon entrance, and the Prayer drain effect at Barrows is nullified when equipped.

Ghommal's hilt 3 to 6 offers unlimited teleports to the God Wars Dungeon entrance, the Prayer drain effect at Barrows is nullified when equipped.

Ghommal's hilt 4 also offers three daily teleports to Mor Ul Rek (within the inner city).

Ghommal's hilt 5 also offers five daily teleports to Mor Ul Rek, and you can create Ghommal's avernic defender 5 by combining it with an Avernic defender.

Ghommal's hilt 6 also offers unlimited teleports to Mor Ul Rek, and you can create Ghommal's avernic defender 6 by combining it with an Avernic defender.

Like a boss slayer unlocks - you can get a boss slayer task up to 40 (easy-tier), 45 (medium-tier), 50 (hard-tier), 55 (elite-tier), 60 (master-tier), and 65 (grandmaster-tier) kills

Pest Control benefits - gain 1 (easy-tier), 2 (medium-tier), and 3 (hard to grandmaster-tier) additional Void Knight commendation points per game win

Warrior guild tokens bonus - 100% (easy-tier) and 200% (medium to grandmaster-tier) Warrior guild tokens bonus from the Warriors' Guild

God Wars Dungeon benefits - boss entrances require 35 (hard-tier), 30 (elite-tier), 25 (master-tier), and 15 (grandmaster-tier) kill count; Ecumenical key drop rate increases to 55% (hard-tier), 50% (elite-tier), 45% (master-tier), and 40% (grandmaster-tier); Access to private instances for God Wars Dungeon boss rooms, costing 150k (hard-tier), 125k (elite-tier), 100k (master-tier), and 75k (grandmaster-tier) OSRS gold

Dwarven multicannon hold benefits - the multicannon can hold up to 35 (medium-tier), 45 (hard-tier), and 60 (elite to grandmaster-tier) cannon balls

Dragon hunter crossbow combining - Dragon hunter crossbow (b) (with kbd heads) (hard to grandmaster-tier); Dragon hunter crossbow (t) (with Vorkath's head) (elite to grandmaster-tier)

Slayer helmet cosmetic upgrade - ask Ghommal to make you the Tztok slayer helmet (elite-tier), Vampyric slayer helmet (master-tier), and Tzkal slayer helmet (grandmaster-tier)

Imbuing benefits - the cost of imbuing items with Nightmare Zone points and Soul Wars zeal tokens are halved (hard to grandmaster-tier)

Slayer benefits (elite to grandmaster-tier) - Bracelets of slaughter and expeditious bracelets have a 10% chance to fully recharge; Superior slayer monsters' spawn rate increases to 1/150 from 1/200

Slayer tasks - TzTok-Jad or TzKal-Zuk task kills increase to 2 (master-tier) and 3 (grandmaster-tier)

The main benefit of the update is that even if you haven't completed all tasks at any tier, as long as you have enough points, you can unlock rewards. We hope you like it.

The RSBee Team


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