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Hopespear's Will OSRS Miniquest After Land of the Goblin Completing


Hopespear's Will, the new OSRS Miniquest was released together with the new quest Land of the Goblins. After completing the quest, you can kill the five high priests again to collect their bones, and bury them in Yu'biusk. As the Land of the Goblin quest, Hopespear's Will is the first miniquest from the original game to be ported to Old School RS.


Quest: Started The Restless Ghost for Ghostspeak amulet, Desert Treasure, Fairytale II - Cure a Queen, Land of the Goblins.

Skills: Level 50 Prayer, Level 90+ Combat is recommended.

Items: Ghostspeak amulet, Ring of visibility, Goblin potion, Dramen or Lunar staff; Prayer potion, Super combat potion, and high-level food are recommended.

Note: You can only kill the five high priests UNARMED.


Hopespear's Will Preparation

1. Go back to the Goblin Cave east of the Fishing Guild. Enter the cave and walk to the entrance to the temple guarded with two goblin guards.

2. Drink the Goblin potion and enter the temple. Walk north and enter the crypt.

3. Once inside the crypt, wear your Ghostspeak amulet and Ring of visibility. Speak to Hopespear the ghost to start the miniquest.

4. Just like what you did in Land of the Goblin quest, say their names, then defeat the five high priests, and collect their bones.

5. Once all five bones are collected, use the fairy ring code b l q to reach Yu'biusk, and bury all bones for 38,750 Prayer experiences.

Congratulations, you complete the miniquest.

Useful Tips

1. Although you can start fighting from any priest, we still suggest starting from the low level.

2. You do not have to defeat all the high priests in one go. If necessary, leave the crypt to restock at any time. But you need additional doses of goblin potions.

3. You can use Prayer like Piety to deal more damages on the priests, and switch Protect from Melee/Missiles/Magic wisely for taking fewer damages.

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