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Game Updates of Poll 78 & New Wilderness Boss Drop Rates


This week, Jagex has updated the game with some new content from Poll 78, although slightly different from the previous results. Now you can log into the game to check them out.

Latest Updates

Coin Pouches - You can now hold up to 56, 84, and 140 coin pouches if you have completed the Medium, Hard, or Elite tiers of the Ardougne Achievement Diary. That means 100%, 200%, and 400% more Pouches than before.

Crystal Armour - You can now buy the crystals (500k OSRS gold coins per piece) from Lliann at the clothing shop (marked with a green clothing icon on the map) on the west side of Prifddinas, in the Ithell district. And use the crystals on your Crystal Armour to recolour them.

There are eight crystals with different colours, and you can recolour each piece of the armour separately.

Super Extended Antifire Potions - You can now add Crushed Superior Dragon Bones to Extended Antifire Potions to make the Extended Antifire Potions.

Giants' Foundry - You can now use your unwanted untradeable rewards (except for The Colossal Blade) on Kovac to sell them back to him for 80% of the original price (Foundry Reputation).

Catalytic Tiara - You can now use the tiara to access the Death Altar during the OSRS quest Mourning's End Part II to skip completing Thorgel's item list.

New Wilderness Boss Drop Rates

Great news! Now we have the official drop rates of the New Wilderness Bosses. Please note that the unique roll is related to your contribution.

Pet - Normal bosses: 1/2,000; Lesser Bosses: 1/2800

Voidwaker Piece (Hilt, Blade & Gem) - Normal Bosses: 1/360; Lesser Bosses: 1/912

Dragon Pickaxe - Normal Bosses: 1/256; Lesser Bosses: 1/358

Revenant Upgrade Item (Claws of Callisto, Fangs of Venenatis & Skull of Vet'ion) - Normal Bosses: 1/196; Lesser Bosses: 1/618

Rings (Tyrannical Ring, Treasonous Ring & Ring of the Gods) - Normal Bosses: 1/512; Lesser Bosses: 1/716

Dragon 2h Sword - Normal Bosses: 1/256; Lesser Bosses: 1/358

By the way, you have a 1/100 chance to receive a broken dragon pickaxe from the ore packs.

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