- Home / Miniquests / Into the Tombs
Time: 2 hours
Quests: Beneath Cursed Sands
Skills: Combat 95+ (Level 75+ in Melee skills, Magic, and Ranged), Level 43+ Prayer
Gear and Inventory: Combat gears & weapons (all three combat styles) and supplies/OSRS Gold (100K)
For example:
Mystic robe and bottom, Trident of the seas (full)
Black d'hides body and chaps, Rune crossbow with ruby bolts (e), and Toxic blowpipe with adamant darts, Ava's devices
Dragon sword, Dragon defender, DDS for special attack
Amulet of glory, Helm of neitiznot, Barrow gloves, Brimstone ring, Dragon boots/Boots of brimstone, Firecape
Saradomin brews (4)x3, Super restore (4)x3, Ranging potion, Super combat potion, Antidote++ (4)
Note: Better gears, more Saradomin brews, and Super restore potions are required for low-level players.
After completing the Beneath Cursed Sands quest, Maisa will send you a message for starting the miniquest. Make sure you have received the message before buying. You need to complete a full run of Tombs of Amascut raid to complete it.