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Hosidius Favour

Hosidius Favour

Availability: In stock



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Quick Overview
  • Time: 3-5 hours

    Requirements: Level 18 Agility, Client of Kourend (We will do it for free if you haven't complete it and use the Kourend favour certificate on Hosidius Favour.)


    At 15% favour, players can steal fruit from the fruit stall in front of Logava Gricoller's Cooking Supplies.

    At 35% favour, players can plant a spirit sapling in the spirit tree patch located southeast of the Forthos Ruin. (83 Farming)

    At 50% favour, the allotment, flower, and herb patches just south of the Hosidius township, are permanently protected from disease.

    At 60% favour, players with at least 45 Farming can enter the Farming Guild.

    At 65% favour, players can plant grape seeds in the Vinery.

    At 75% favour, players with at least 60 Woodcutting can enter the Woodcutting Guild.

    At 100% favour, players with at least 34 Farming can participate in the Tithe Farm minigame, which can be found in the mid-eastern part of Hosidius.

    At 100% favour, players can use the city kitchens directly southeast of the Mess. A bank chest can be found in the small building, along with a range that provides a 5% increase to the chance of successfully cooking food over a standard range, thus making this one of the best spots to cook.

    Note: We will help you gain 100% Hosidius Favour, and  we will do The Depths of Despair quest for free to gain the favour if you haven't complete it.


Hosidius is one of the five cities in the Kingdom of Great Kourend. Led by Lord Kandur Hosidius of the Hosidius House, their main export focus is on Farming/agriculture and Cooking, and are the primary supplier of food to the citizens of the Kingdom as well as the soldiers of the Shayzien Army. Most people in Hosidius worship Saradomin, though a few also worship Zamorak, although as with other human settlements, they are looked down upon.

Because of the high demand of food in Great Kourend, Hosidius requires a large amount of land to grow their crops in, and thus possesses the most land out of the five cities - this is because a famine struck the kingdom sometime during 5th BA to 1st BA (1,460 years ago). Five years after the famine began, Lord Hosidius IV met with the Lords of the other four Houses, coming to an agreement that half of each of the city's lands be granted to Hosidius in order to grow more crops to stop the famine, which was then approved by the ruling Council of Elders.

Like Shayzien, Hosidius is one of the more recent cities founded in the history of Great Kourend - the founder is unknown, but it was created by refugees escaping the Dragonkin Conflicts.


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