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Heroes' Quest

Heroes' Quest

Availability: In stock



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Quick Overview
  • Time: 3 hours


    Quests: Shield of Arrav, Lost City, Merlin's Crystal, Dragon Slayer I, 55 Quest Points

    Skills: Level 25 herblore, 50 Mining (49 if you use dwarven stout), 53 Fishing, 53 Cooking


    3,075 Attack experience

    3,075 Defence experience

    3,075 Strength experience

    3,075 Hitpoints experience

    2,075 Ranged experience

    2,725 Fishing experience

    2,825 Cooking experience

    1,575 Woodcutting experience

    1,575 Firemaking experience

    2,257 Smithing experience

    Mining 2,575 Mining experience

    1,325 Herblore experience

    Access to the Heroes' Guild.

    The ability to purchase and wield dragon battleaxes and maces.

    Ability to utilise the Fountain of Rune.

    Ability to use Charge dragonstone jewellery scrolls.

    Access to the Fountain of Heroes, where players can recharge their amulets of glory.

    Quest points gained upon completion: 1


The Heroes' Quest is a quest that gives access to the Heroes' Guild in Burthorpe, by completing the guildmaster's rigorous initiation test.

Prove you are worthy to enter the Heroes' Guild. To prove your status as a hero you will need to obtain a number of items. There are many challenges standing between you and these items.


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