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Grim Tales

Grim Tales

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Quick Overview
  • Time: 2 hours


    Quests: Witch's House

    Skills: Level 45 Farming, Level 52 Herblore, Level 58 Thieving, Level 59 Agility, Level 71 Woodcutting, Ability to defeat a level 138 cloud giant - Glod.


    4,000 Farming experience

    5,000 Herblore experience

    5,000 Hitpoints experience

    14,000 Woodcutting experience

    Agility 6,000 Agility experience

    6,000 Thieving experience

    Dwarven helmet (equip this helmet in the Dwarven Mines to complete a Hard Falador task)

    Quest points gained upon completion: 1


Grim Tales is a master quest that revolves around collecting a couple of rare items for Sylas, a peculiar collector. It contains many references to various real-life fairy tales.

"Once upon a time in a land far, far away..." Sylas, a collector of items both wondrous and unusual seeks out the latest additions to his trove with a somewhat unusual prize for the finder. Terrors and towers await; fierce battles with giant beasts; striding boldly to rescue a dwarf in distress! Not a quest for the meek or faint-hearted, prepare yourself for a feast of fairy-tale fun with rewards a-plenty! The Brothers Grimm could never have foretold a tale such as this...


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