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Family Crest

Family Crest

Availability: In stock



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Quick Overview
  • Time: 2 hours


    Skills: Level 40 Mining, 40 Smithing, 59 Magic and 40 Crafting.


    Steel gauntlets

    Cooking gauntlets (Caleb): Reduces the chance of burning certain fish significantly: (lobsters, swordfish, monkfish, sharks and anglerfish).

    Goldsmith gauntlets (Avan): Increases the Smithing experience from smelting gold by 150% - from 22.5 to 56.2.

    Chaos gauntlets (Johnathon): Increases the damage done by bolt (chaos rune) spells by 3. Stacks multiplicatively with the Tome of Fire and Slayer helmet (i), the former having a moderate upkeep cost, for a maximum hit of 25, which is by far the highest damage per second for a beginner.

    After the Family Pest miniquest, you can have all three gauntlets for 500,000 coins.

    Quest points gained upon completion: 1


Family Crest is a quest in which the player must retrieve three family crest pieces from the Fitzharmon brothers and return the crest to their father.

There is a man in Varrock who needs a bit of help. He is of noble heritage, but without his family's crest, he can't prove it. Unfortunately, his three sons took the crest with them when they left, scattering all across RuneScape.


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