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Death to the Dorgeshuun

Death to the Dorgeshuun

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Quick Overview
  • Time: 3 hours


    Skills: Level 23 Agility and Level 23 Thieving, The ability to defeat a level 50 enemy with Melee or Magic.

    Quests: The Lost Tribe


    2,000 Thieving experience

    2,000 Ranged experience

    You are granted access to the Dorgeshuun city!

    Access to the H.A.M. Store room, where you can loot gems, jewellery, and coins from chests.

    Access to the water wheel tunnel (Dartog will appear there, and you'll be able to travel between the Lumbridge Castle cellar, the Dorgeshuun Mines and the water wheel tunnel at will).

    Ability to use the bone dagger and Dorgeshuun crossbow special attacks.

    Access to Dorgesh-Kaan, the Dorgeshuun city

    A torch if you did not have a light source in your inventory at the end of the quest.

    Quest points gained upon completion: 1


Death to the Dorgeshuun is the second quest in the Dorgeshuun quest series and sees the return of Sigmund, who attempts to destroy the Dorgeshuun once again. It also sees the first appearance of Zanik, the series' main protagonist.

Humans have been visiting the Dorgeshuun mines for some time now, but no Dorgeshuun has visited the surface since the signing of the Lumbridge-Dorgeshuun treaty. The Dorgeshuun Council fears that the H.A.M. group may be planning another attack, and want to send an agent to the surface to investigate. But they do not want to send someone to the surface without a guide...


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