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Vorkath Kills*30

Vorkath Kills*30

Availability: In stock



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Quick Overview
  • Skills: 70+ Defence, 85+ Ranged, 80+ Hitpoints, 44+ Prayer

    Quest: Dragon Slayer II

    Gears: Void Ranger set or Elite Void Ranger set(ei), Ava's accumulator or Ava's assembler, Archers ring (i), Armadyl d'hide boots or better, BlowpieToxic blowpipe with Amethyst darts, Bandos godsword is recommended

    Others: Rune pouch (recommended), 2-40M OSRS Gold for supplies (depends on kill count, or we will sell some loots).

    Rewards: All loots will be put in your bank.


Vorkath is an undead draconic boss-monster. It is considered a blue dragon for the purpose of a Slayer task. It uses a variety of attacks, primarily ranged and magical attacks, as well as melee if standing next to it. It also uses all three types of dragonfire: regular, venomous, and prayer-disabling. You must run/walk away from its fireball or acid pools, the other speical attacks, or you will be damaged with substantial damage. During the battle, it will free you and summon a Zombified Spawn that will move to you to explode violently if not killed, resulting in up to 61 damage. Once the Vorkath is killed, it will return to its original unaggressive stance. You can wake up it at any time for another battle.

Once Vorkath is defeated, you can loot the drops: 2 Superior dragon bones and 2 Blue dragonhides with a drop rate 100% while other drops including weapon and armours, runes, noted dragonhides, fletching marerials, seeds and others. If you are lucky, you may get a Vorkath's head, Brimstone key (while on a Slayer task given by Konar quo Maten), Clue scroll (elite), Dragonbone necklace, Jar of decay, pet Vorki, Draconic visage, or Skeletal visage as a tertiary drop.


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